Author: 12072garrett
Using: N/A
Price: free
A plugin that incorporates both wake-on-lan and the ping sensor plugin into one device.
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2 reviews

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Exellent! With little config it turns computer in appliance module
kmv1974 | 02.02.2013 Rating:
Exellent! With little config it turns computer in appliance module.
Action on by wake of lan.
Action off by easy integration with EventGhost
Check status by ping.
All I need! :) read more
EricWeber | 02.01.2014 Rating:
Solved all my htpc problems. Thumbs up! read more
Great but...
amitchell | 30.05.2014 Rating:
This is a great WOL tool (and thank you) but when I deleted a WOL device it uninstalled the WOL plugin and removed all my WOL devices. read more
Latest reviews
Great but...
amitchell | 30.05.2014 Rating:
This is a great WOL tool (and thank you) but when I deleted a WOL device it uninstalled the WOL plugin and removed all my WOL devices. read more
Works great with windows 8
hellovn | 31.03.2014 Rating:
Now i could control my windows 8 computer with veralite. read more
EricWeber | 02.01.2014 Rating:
Solved all my htpc problems. Thumbs up! read more