MIMOlite Garage Door Contoller
Author: lylavoie
Manufacturer: Fortrezz
Price: free
Creates a device interface to use the Fortrezz MIMOlite as a garage door controller. Door state (open/closed) is shown as the device icon, and a single button toggles that state (just like a physical button in the garage).
AWESOME, finally a single module solution for the garage door!
wilhelmy | 17.09.2014 Rating:
I wired it directly into the opener circuit to get POWER (24V), TRIGGER signal and DOOR CLOSED signal. Simple 4 wires coming out of the motor box going to the MIMOLITE. Works like a charm.
I had to follow some advice from a forum and use the "D_MimoLiteGarageDoor_invert.xml" in the device file under advanced settings. With that, door status is CORRECT if the input is pulled LOW when the door is down.