Foscam IP Camera
Author: mcvflorin
Price: free
Plugin for the Foscam IP cameras. Adds support for pan, tilt and patrol.
It Finally works
JohanEgberts | 07.06.2012 Rating:
First I installed the Foscam App (the app did not create a device). I then added the device Camera. After filling in the right IP adress of the Foscam Camera, I selected the Generic camera, filled in /snapshot.cgi instead of the default value and then name and password.

Although the system did not show a picture, I accepted the camera.

To make Pan and Tilt work, I doawnloaded the file I_FoscamPTZ.xml on my computer and uploaded into my Vera 3 with Develop Apps/upload file and then reload lua.

Then open the camera device >> advanced tab and enter I_FoscamPTZ.xml in the imp_file field. Done.