Author: RexBeckett
Manufacturer: RexBeckett
Using: N/A
Price: free
KiraRT provides a Vera interface to the Keene Electronics IR Anywhere (KIRA) module. This allows Vera scenes or PLxx logic to be triggered on receipt of stored IR codes and also enables IR codes to be transmitted using Vera or PLxx actions. The IR codes are stored, by name, in a KiraRT device variable. Facilities for learning and importing codes are provided. The KIRA module is connected to Vera through your existing home IP network.
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Thank you Rex!
MarkSlobom | 16.03.2015 Rating:
Two technologies that are strangers to one another. Zwave and IR. What if they could work together? Now they can! With a Kira module and the KiraRT plugin you get a more complete automation system. You can send an IR code to your Vera that will operate or trigger something. For example: control a Zwave light switch with your IR remote. When ... read more
Latest reviews
Thank you Rex!
MarkSlobom | 16.03.2015 Rating:
Two technologies that are strangers to one another. Zwave and IR. What if they could work together? Now they can! With a Kira module and the KiraRT plugin you get a more complete automation system. You can send an IR code to your Vera that will operate or trigger something. For example: control a Zwave light switch with your IR remote. When ... read more