Radio Thermostat Wi-Fi Plugin
Author: hugheaves
Manufacturer: Radio Thermostat Corporation of Amercia
Using: E
Price: free
Provides support for the 3M-50 and other Radio Thermostat / Filtrete thermostats using the Wi-Fi USNAP module.
iulianminut | 22.03.2012 Rating:
I was able to successfully install it on firmware version 1.5.346 on VeraLite read more
Works Great!!!
rtheil | 16.02.2012 Rating:
I've had a 3m-50 Thermostat for quite awhile, and the cloud services are extremely inconsistent. Sometimes I'll change temps, and the thermostat doesn't receive the change for several minutes.... or never. With this plugin, it solves all those problems. Communication is instant, and updates happen without having to manually refresh. *NOTE* In ... read more
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