//# sourceURL=J_ALTUI_verabox.js // "use strict"; // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the condition that it is for private or home useage and // this whole comment is reproduced in the source code file. // Commercial utilisation is not authorized without the appropriate // written agreement from amg0 / alexis . mermet @ gmail . com // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. var ALTUI_NEW_SCENE_ID = -1; var VeraBox = ( function( uniq_id, ip_addr ) { //--------------------------------------------------------- // private functions //--------------------------------------------------------- var _uniqID = uniq_id; // assigned by Multibox, unique, can be used for Settings & other things var _hagdevice = { id: 0, altuiid:"{0}-0".format(_uniqID) }; // special device for HAG, service=S_HomeAutomationGateway1.xml var _upnpHelper = new UPnPHelper(ip_addr,uniq_id); // for common UPNP ajax var _dataEngine = null; var _sysinfo = null; var _rooms = null; var _scenes = null; var _devices = null; var _categories = null; var _devicetypes = {}; var _user_data = {}; var _change_cached_user_data = {}; var _user_data_DataVersion = 1; var _user_data_LoadTime = null; var _status_data_DataVersion = 1; var _status_data_LoadTime = null; // setters to set the data in the cache, cb functions because asynchronous function _setRooms(arr) { _rooms = arr; }; function _setScenes(arr) { _scenes = arr; }; function _setCategories(arr) { _categories = arr; }; function _setDevices(arr) { _devices = arr; }; function _saveChangeCaches( msgidx ) { var promise = _upnpHelper.ModifyUserData( _change_cached_user_data, function() { PageMessage.message("ModifyUserData called & returned, a restart will occur now","success"); PageMessage.clearMessage(msgidx); }); _change_cached_user_data={}; user_changes=0; //UI5 compat return promise; }; function _updateChangeCache( target ) { $.extend(true, _change_cached_user_data, target); PageMessage.message("You need to save your changes","info", true ); user_changes=1; //UI5 compat }; function _initializeSysinfo() { if (_sysinfo!=null) return _sysinfo; var url = _upnpHelper.getUrlHead().replace('/port_3480','').replace('/data_request','/cgi-bin/cmh/sysinfo.sh'); url = _upnpHelper.proxify( url ); var jqxhr = $.ajax( { url: url, type: "GET", async:false, //dataType: "text", }) .done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { _upnpHelper.unproxifyResult(data, textStatus, jqXHR, function(data,textStatus,jqXHR) { if (isNullOrEmpty(data)) _sysinfo=={}; else if ($.isPlainObject( data )) _sysinfo = data; else _sysinfo = JSON.parse(data); }); }) .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { PageMessage.message( _T("Controller {0} did not respond").format(_upnpHelper.getIpAddr()) , "warning"); _sysinfo = {}; }); return _sysinfo; }; function _initializeJsonp() { jsonp={}; jsonp.ud =_user_data; // jsonp.ud.devices=[]; // jsonp.ud.scenes=[]; // jsonp.ud.rooms=[]; // jsonp.ud.static_data=[]; return jsonp; }; function _httpGet(url,opts,cbfunc) { var options = $.extend( true, { url: _upnpHelper.proxify( _upnpHelper.getUrlHead()+url ), method: "GET", type: "GET", dataType: "text", cache: false } , opts); var jqxhr = $.ajax( options) .done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { _upnpHelper.unproxifyResult(data, textStatus, jqXHR, function(data,textStatus,jqXHR) { if ($.isFunction(cbfunc)) (cbfunc)(data, textStatus, jqXHR); }); }) .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { PageMessage.message( _T("Controller {0} did not respond").format(_upnpHelper.getIpAddr()) , "warning"); if ($.isFunction(cbfunc)) (cbfunc)(null, textStatus, jqXHR); }); return jqxhr; }; function _triggerAltUIUpgrade(urlsuffix,newrev) { urlsuffix += "&TracRev="+newrev; return _httpGet(urlsuffix,{}).always( function() { PageMessage.message(_T("Upgrade Request succeeded, a Luup reload will happen"),"success"); }); }; function _reboot() { return this.runLua("os.execute('reboot')", function(result) { if ( result == "Passed") PageMessage.message( "Reboot request succeeded", "success"); else PageMessage.message( "Reboot request failed", "danger"); }); }; function _reloadEngine() { return _upnpHelper.reloadEngine( function(data) { if (data!=null) { // reload worked, reset all cache _rooms = null; _devices = null; _scenes = null; _devicetypes = []; _change_cached_user_data={}; user_changes=0; //UI5 compat } }); }; // process the async response function function _asyncResponse( arr, func , filterfunc, endfunc ) { if (arr!=null) { if ($.isFunction(filterfunc)) arr = $.grep( arr, filterfunc ); if ($.isFunction( func )) $.each(arr,function(idx,obj){ func(idx+1,obj); // device id in LUA is idx+1 }); }; if ( $.isFunction( endfunc ) ) { endfunc(arr); } return arr; }; function _getPower(cbfunc) { var jqxhr = _httpGet("?id=live_energy_usage",{dataType: "text"},cbfunc); // jqxhr= jqxhr.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) { // PageMessage.message( _T("Controller {0} is busy, be patient.").format(_upnpHelper.getIpAddr()) , "warning"); // }); return jqxhr; }; function _setColor(deviceid, hex) { var rgb = hexToRgb(hex) _upnpHelper.UPnPAction(deviceid,'urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:Color1','SetColorRGB', { newColorRGBTarget: "{0},{1},{2}".format(rgb.r,rgb.g,rgb.b) }) //,1,249&rand=0.740677387919277 // var data = '51 5 10 0 0 1 0 2 {0} 3 {1} 4 {2}'.format(rgb.r,rgb.g,rgb.b); // _upnpHelper.UPnPAction( 1, 'urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1', 'SendData', { // Node:device.altid, // Data:data // }); // 51 = Color Control Command Class (0x33) // 5 = Color Set Command // 10 = Size of following data // 0 = Warm White colour channel // 0 = OFF @ 0 // 1 = Cool White colour channel // 0 = OFF @ 0 // 2 = Red colour channel // 50 = ON @ 50 // 3 = Green colour channel // 75 = ON @ 75 // 4 = Blue colour channel // 125 = ON @ 125 }; function _getWeatherSettings() { var target = {tempFormat: "", weatherCountry: "", weatherCity: ""}; $.extend(target, _user_data.weatherSettings); return target; } // Get Rooms , call a callback function asynchronously, or return array of rooms function _getRooms( func , filterfunc, endfunc) { if (_rooms != null ) { _asyncResponse( _rooms.sort(altuiSortByName), func , filterfunc, endfunc) } else setTimeout(function(){ _getRooms( func , filterfunc, endfunc); }, 500); return _rooms; }; function _getRoomByID( roomid ) { var room=null; if ( _rooms ) { $.each(_rooms, function( idx,r) { if (r.id==roomid) { room = r; return false; } }); } return room; }; // Get Rooms , call a callback function asynchronously, or return array of rooms function _getScenes( func , filterfunc, endfunc ) { if (_scenes != null ) _asyncResponse( _scenes.sort(altuiSortByName), func , filterfunc, endfunc); return _scenes; }; function _getUsers(func , filterfunc, endfunc ) { if (_user_data.users !=null ) _asyncResponse( _user_data.users.sort(altuiSortByName2), func , filterfunc, endfunc); return _user_data.users; }; function _getUsersSync() { return _user_data.users; }; function _getUserByID(userid) { var user=null; if ( _user_data.users ) { $.each(_user_data.users, function( idx,usr) { if (usr.id==userid) { user = usr; return false; } }); } return user; }; function _getPlugins( func , endfunc ) { if (_user_data.InstalledPlugins2) _asyncResponse( _user_data.InstalledPlugins2, func , null, endfunc); return _user_data.InstalledPlugins2; }; function _getPluginByID (id) { var plugin = null; $.each(_user_data.InstalledPlugins2,function(idx,p) { if (p.id==id) { plugin = p; return false; } }); return plugin; }; function _getDevices( func , filterfunc, endfunc ) { if (_devices !=null) _asyncResponse( _devices.sort(altuiSortByName), func, filterfunc, endfunc ) return _devices; }; function _getCategories( cbfunc, filterfunc, endfunc ) { // if (_categories==null) { var jqxhr = _httpGet("?id=sdata&output_format=json",{},function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (data) { var arr = JSON.parse(data); _categories = arr.categories; if ( $.isFunction( cbfunc ) ) { _asyncResponse( _categories.sort(altuiSortByName), cbfunc, filterfunc, endfunc ); } } else { _categories = null; // PageMessage.message( _T("Controller {0} is busy, be patient.").format(_upnpHelper.getIpAddr()) , "warning"); } }); } else { _asyncResponse( _categories.sort(altuiSortByName), cbfunc, filterfunc, endfunc ); } return _categories; }; function _getIconPath(name) { return "//{0}/cmh/skins/default/img/devices/device_states/{1}".format( (_uniqID==0) ? window.location.hostname : _upnpHelper.getIpAddr(), name); }; function _getIcon( imgpath , cbfunc ) { var jqxhr = _httpGet("?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=image",{ data: { path: imgpath } },cbfunc); return jqxhr; }; function _getHouseMode(cbfunc) { var jqxhr = _httpGet("?id=variableget&DeviceNum=0&serviceId=urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1&Variable=Mode",{},cbfunc); return jqxhr; }; function _setHouseMode(newmode,cbfunc) { var promise = null; if ((newmode<=4) && (newmode>=1)) { promise = _upnpHelper.UPnPAction( 0, 'urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1', 'SetHouseMode', { Mode:newmode },cbfunc ); } return promise; }; function _getHouseModeSwitchDelay() { if ( _isUI5() == true ) // UI5 or not ready return 12; return ( parseInt(_user_data.mode_change_delay || 9) +3); }; function _findDeviceIdxByID(devid) { for (var i=0; i<_user_data.devices.length; i++ ) { if (_user_data.devices[i].id==devid) return i; } return -1; }; function _getDeviceByType( device_type ) { for (var i=0; i<_user_data.devices.length; i++ ) { if (_user_data.devices[i].device_type==device_type) return _user_data.devices[i] } return null; }; function _getDeviceByAltID( parentdevid , altid ) { for (var i=0; i<_user_data.devices.length; i++) { var device = _user_data.devices[i]; if ( (device.id_parent==parentdevid) && (device.altid==altid) ) return _user_data.devices[i]; } return null; }; function _getDeviceByID( devid ) { if (devid==0) return _hagdevice; var idx = _findDeviceIdxByID(devid); if (idx!=-1) { return _user_data.devices[idx]; } return null; }; function _getSceneByID(sceneid) { for (var i=0;i<_user_data.scenes.length;i++) { if (_user_data.scenes[i].id == sceneid) return _user_data.scenes[i]; } return null; }; function _getNewSceneID() { // var id=1; // while( _getSceneByID(id) != null ) // id++; // return id; // var max = 0; // $.each(_user_data.scenes, function( i,scene) { // max = Math.max( scene.id, max ); // }); // return max+1; return ALTUI_NEW_SCENE_ID; }; function _getStates( deviceid ) { for (var i=0; i<_user_data.devices.length; i++) { var device = _user_data.devices[i]; if (device.id == deviceid) return _user_data.devices[i].states; } return null; }; function _getStatusObject( deviceid, service, variable, bCreate ) { var foundState = null; var device = _getDeviceByID( deviceid ); if (device==null) return null; if (device.states) { for (var i=0; i= 0 ) { statusobj.value=value; // in memory but lost at next restart // if dynamic ==0 permits the user to save if (dynamic==0) { if (_isUI5() ) { // on UI5 cache until the user presses SAVE button var target = {}; target.devices={}; target.devices["devices_"+deviceid]={}; target.devices["devices_"+deviceid].states = {}; target.devices["devices_"+deviceid].states["states_"+statusobj.id] = { "value": value }; _updateChangeCache( target ); } else { // on UI7, do it asynchronously promise = _upnpHelper.UPnPSet( deviceid, service, variable, value ); } } } else { // update vera promise = _upnpHelper.UPnPSet( deviceid, service, variable, value ); } return promise; }; function _evaluateConditions(deviceid,devsubcat,conditions) { var bResult = false; var expressions=[]; $.each(conditions, function(i,condition){ // strange device JSON sometime ... ex zWave repeater, condition is not defined if ( (condition.service!=undefined) && (condition.variable!=undefined) && ( (condition.subcategory_num==undefined) || (condition.subcategory_num==0) || (devsubcat==-1) || (condition.subcategory_num==devsubcat) ) ) { var str = ""; if (isInteger( condition.value )) { var val = _getStatus( deviceid, condition.service, condition.variable ); if (val=="") AltuiDebug.debug( "devid:{0} service:{1} variable:{2} devsubcat:{3} value:'{4}' should not be null".format( deviceid, condition.service, condition.variable, devsubcat, val)); val = val || 0; str = "({0} {1} {2})".format( val, condition.operator, condition.value ); } else { str = "('{0}' {1} '{2}')".format( _getStatus( deviceid, condition.service, condition.variable ), condition.operator, condition.value ); } expressions.push(str); } else { AltuiDebug.debug("Invalid State Icon condition definition for deviceid:"+deviceid); } }); var str = expressions.join(" && "); AltuiDebug.debug("_evaluateConditions(deviceid:{0} devsubcat:{1} str:{2} conditions:{3})".format(deviceid,devsubcat,str,JSON.stringify(conditions))); var bResult = eval(str) ; return (bResult==undefined) ? false : bResult ; }; function _refreshEngine() { var jqxhr = _httpGet("?id=lu_status2&output_format=json&DataVersion="+_status_data_DataVersion+"&Timeout={0}&MinimumDelay=1500".format( (_uniqID==0 ? 60 : 5 ) // cannot afford to wait 60 sec in the LUA handler for Proxied units ), {beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.overrideMimeType('text/plain'); }}, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if ((data) && (data != "") && (data != "NO_CHANGES") && (data != "Exiting") ) { if ($.isPlainObject( data ) ==false) data=JSON.parse(data); _status_data_DataVersion = data.DataVersion; _status_data_LoadTime = data.LoadTime; // console.log("controller #{0} received lu_status2 with data.UserData_DataVersion={1} ".format(_uniqID,data.UserData_DataVersion)); if (data.devices != undefined) { $.each(data.devices, function( idx, device) { var userdata_device_idx = _findDeviceIdxByID(device.id); if (userdata_device_idx!=-1) { _user_data.devices[userdata_device_idx].status = device.status; _user_data.devices[userdata_device_idx].Jobs = device.Jobs; _user_data.devices[userdata_device_idx].dirty = true; if (device.states !=null) { $.each(device.states, function( idx, state) { $.each( _user_data.devices[userdata_device_idx].states , function( idx, userdata_state) { if ((userdata_state.service == state.service) && (userdata_state.variable == state.variable)) { _user_data.devices[userdata_device_idx].states[idx].value = state.value; return false; // break from the $.each() } }); }); EventBus.publishEvent("on_ui_deviceStatusChanged",_user_data.devices[userdata_device_idx]); } } }); } UIManager.refreshUI( false , false ); // partial and not first time EventBus.publishEvent("on_startup_luStatusLoaded_"+_uniqID,data); // if user_data has changed, reload it if (_user_data_DataVersion != data.UserData_DataVersion) { // console.log("controller #{0} received lu_status2 with data.UserData_DataVersion={1} =>requesting new user data".format(_uniqID,data.UserData_DataVersion)); _initDataEngine(); } else { setTimeout( _refreshEngine, (_uniqID==0 ? 100 : 300 ) ); } } else { // PageMessage.message( _T("Controller {0} is busy, be patient.").format(_upnpHelper.getIpAddr()) , "warning"); setTimeout( _refreshEngine, 1000 ); } } ); return jqxhr; } function _loadUserData(data) { if ((data) && (data != "NO_CHANGES") && (data != "Exiting") ) { var bFirst = (_user_data_DataVersion==1); if ($.isPlainObject( data )==false) data = JSON.parse(data); $.extend(_user_data, data); _user_data_DataVersion = data.DataVersion; _user_data_LoadTime = data.LoadTime; _rooms = data.rooms; _scenes = data.scenes; _devices = data.devices; if (data.devices) $.each(data.devices, function(idx,device) { device.altuiid = "{0}-{1}".format(_uniqID,device.id); device.favorite=Favorites.get('device',device.altuiid); // jsonp.ud.devices.push(device); }); if (data.scenes) $.each(data.scenes, function(idx,scene) { scene.altuiid = "{0}-{1}".format(_uniqID,scene.id); scene.favorite=Favorites.get('scene',scene.altuiid); // jsonp.ud.scenes.push(scene); }); if (data.rooms) $.each(data.rooms, function(idx,room) { room.altuiid = "{0}-{1}".format(_uniqID,room.id); // jsonp.ud.rooms.push(room); }); if (data.InstalledPlugins2) $.each(data.InstalledPlugins2, function(idx,plugin) { plugin.altuiid = "{0}-{1}".format(_uniqID,plugin.id); }); // update the static ui information for the future displays $.each(_user_data.static_data || [], function(idx,ui_static_data) { var dt = ui_static_data.device_type == undefined ? ui_static_data.DeviceType : ui_static_data.device_type; if (dt!=undefined) { MultiBox.updateDeviceTypeUIDB( _uniqID, dt, ui_static_data); } }); // update upnp information $.each(_user_data.devices || [], function(idx,device) { var dt = device.device_type; if (dt!=undefined) MultiBox.updateDeviceTypeUPnpDB( _uniqID, dt, device.device_file); // pass device file so UPNP data can be read if (device!=null) { device.dirty=true; EventBus.publishEvent("on_ui_deviceStatusChanged",device); } }); if (bFirst) EventBus.publishEvent("on_ui_userDataFirstLoaded_"+_uniqID); EventBus.publishEvent("on_ui_userDataLoaded_"+_uniqID); } }; function _isUserDataCached() { return MyLocalStorage.get("VeraBox"+_uniqID)!=null; } function _saveEngine() { AltuiDebug.debug("_saveEngine()"); var verabox = { _user_data : _user_data, // _user_data_DataVersion : _user_data_DataVersion, // _user_data_LoadTime : _user_data_LoadTime }; return MyLocalStorage.set("VeraBox"+_uniqID,verabox); }; function _clearEngine() { return MyLocalStorage.clear("VeraBox"+_uniqID); }; function _loadEngine( user_data ) { AltuiDebug.debug("_loadEngine()"); if (user_data) { // if received in parameter ( like pre-prepared by LUA module ) _user_data = user_data; } else { // or try to get from cache var verabox = MyLocalStorage.get("VeraBox"+_uniqID); if (verabox) { // _user_data_LoadTime = verabox._user_data_LoadTime; // _user_data_DataVersion = verabox._user_data_DataVersion; _user_data = verabox._user_data || {}; } } _user_data_DataVersion = 1; _user_data_LoadTime = null; _user_data.BuildVersion = undefined; // to keep the "waiting" message for the user _loadUserData(_user_data); }; function _initDataEngine() { _dataEngine = null; AltuiDebug.debug("_initDataEngine()"); // console.log("controller #{0} is requesting user_data with _user_data_DataVersion={1}".format(_uniqID,_user_data_DataVersion)); var jqxhr = _httpGet( "?id=user_data&output_format=json&DataVersion="+_user_data_DataVersion, {beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.overrideMimeType('text/plain'); }}, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { // console.log("controller #{0} received user_data _user_data_DataVersion={1}".format(_uniqID,_user_data_DataVersion)); if (data!=null) { _dataEngine = null; _loadUserData(data); UIManager.refreshUI( true ,false ); // full but not first time _dataEngine = setTimeout( _refreshEngine, 2000 ); } else { _dataEngine = setTimeout( _initDataEngine, 2000 ); // PageMessage.message( _T("Controller {0} did not respond").format(_upnpHelper.getIpAddr() ) + ", textStatus: " + textStatus , "danger"); } }) .always(function() { AltuiDebug.debug("_initDataEngine() (user_data) returned."); }); return jqxhr; }; function _getBoxFullInfo() { var ordered = {}; $.each( Object.keys(_user_data).sort(), function(i,key) { var val = _user_data[key]; if (!$.isArray(val) && !$.isPlainObject(val)) ordered[key]=val; }); return ordered; }; function _getBoxInfo() { return { PK_AccessPoint: _user_data.PK_AccessPoint, BuildVersion: _user_data.BuildVersion, City_description: _user_data.City_description, Region_description: _user_data.Region_description, Country_description: _user_data.Country_description }; }; function _isUI5() { if (_uniqID==0) return (UIManager.UI7Check()==false); var bi = _getBoxInfo() return (bi.BuildVersion==undefined) || (bi.BuildVersion.startsWith("*1.5.")); }; function _getLuaStartup() { return _user_data.StartupCode || ""; }; function _createDevice( param , cbfunc ) { var target = $.extend( {descr:'default title', dfile:'', ifile:'', roomnum:0 } , param ); return _upnpHelper.createDevice( target.descr, target.dfile, target.ifile, target.roomnum , cbfunc ); }; function _createRoom(name,cbfunc) { var jqxhr =null; if (name && (name.length>0)) { jqxhr = _httpGet( "?id=room&action=create&name="+name, {}, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if ((data!=null) && (data!="ERROR")) PageMessage.message(_T("Create Room succeeded for")+": "+name, "success", _isUI5() ); // need user_data reload on UI5 else PageMessage.message(_T("Could not create Room")+": "+name, "warning"); if ($.isFunction(cbfunc)){ (cbfunc)(data); }; }); } return jqxhr; }; function _deleteRoom(id) { var jqxhr = _httpGet( "?id=room&action=delete&room="+id, {}, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if ((data!=null) && (data!="ERROR")) PageMessage.message(_T("Deleted Room")+" "+id, "success", _isUI5()); // need user_data reload on UI5 else PageMessage.message(_T("Could not delete Room")+" "+id, "warning"); }); return jqxhr; }; function _renameRoom(id,name) { //http://ip_address:3480/data_request?id=room&action=rename&room=5&name=Garage var jqxhr = _httpGet( "?id=room&action=rename&name="+name+"&room="+id, {}, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if ((data!=null) && (data!="ERROR")) PageMessage.message(_T("Renamed Room")+" "+id, "success", _isUI5()); // need user_data reload on UI5 else PageMessage.message(_T("Could not rename Room")+" "+id, "warning"); }); return jqxhr; }; function _runScene(id) { if ( (id<=0) || ((this.getSceneByID(id) == null)) ) return null; var jqxhr = _httpGet( "?id=action&serviceId=urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1&action=RunScene&SceneNum="+id, {}, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if ((data!=null) && (data!="ERROR")) PageMessage.message(_T("Ran Scene #{0} successfully").format(id), "success"); else PageMessage.message(_T("Could not run Scene #{0}").format(id), "warning"); }); return jqxhr; }; function _osCommand(cmd,cbfunc) { var jqxhr = _httpGet( "?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=oscommand&oscommand={0}".format( encodeURIComponent(cmd) ), {}, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (data!=null) { var success = (data[0]=="1"); if (success) PageMessage.message(_T("Os Command execution succeeded"), "success"); else PageMessage.message( _T("Os Command execution on vera failed.")+"({0})".format(data) , "danger"); if ($.isFunction( cbfunc )) cbfunc({success:success, result:data.substr(2)},jqXHR); } else { PageMessage.message( _T("Os Command execution request failed. (returned {0})").format(textStatus) , "danger"); if ($.isFunction( cbfunc )) cbfunc({success:false, result:null},jqXHR); } }); return jqxhr; }; function _runLua(code, cbfunc) { // used to be MCV facility , now replaced with ALTUI facility // return _upnpHelper.UPnPRunLua(code, function(result) { // var res = "Fail"; // if ((result!=null ) && (result.indexOf("OK") !=-1)) // res ="Passed"; // if ($.isFunction( cbfunc )) // cbfunc(res); // }); // var jqxhr = _httpGet( "?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=run_lua&lua={0}".format( encodeURIComponent(code) ), {}, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { var jqxhr = _httpGet( "?id=lr_ALTUI_LuaRunHandler&command=run_lua&lua={0}".format( encodeURIComponent(code) ), {}, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (data!=null) { var lines = data.split('||'); var success = (lines[0]=="1"); if (success) PageMessage.message(_T("Lua execution succeeded"), "success"); else PageMessage.message( _T("Lua Command execution on vera failed.")+"({0})".format(data) , "danger"); if ($.isFunction( cbfunc )) cbfunc({success:success, result:lines[1], output:lines[2]},jqXHR); } else { PageMessage.message( _T("Lua Command execution request failed. (returned {0})").format(textStatus) , "danger"); if ($.isFunction( cbfunc )) cbfunc({success:false, result:"", output:""},jqXHR); } }); return jqxhr; }; function _renameDevice(device, newname, roomid) { return _upnpHelper.renameDevice(device, newname, roomid); }; function _deleteDevice(id) { var jqxhr = _httpGet( "?id=device&action=delete&device="+id, {}, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if ( (data!=null) && (data!="ERROR") ) { PageMessage.message(_T("Deleted Device {0} successfully").format(id), "success"); MultiBox.reloadEngine( _uniqID ); } else { PageMessage.message(_T("Could not delete Device {0}").format(id), "warning"); } }); return jqxhr; }; function _updateNeighbors(deviceid) { var zwavenet = this.getDeviceByType("urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:ZWaveNetwork:1"); if (zwavenet==null) return; var params={}; params[ "Device" ] = deviceid; return upnpHelper.UPnPAction( zwavenet.id, "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1", "UpdateNeighbors", params, function(data) { if (data!=null) { PageMessage.message(_T("Update Neighbors succeeded")); } else { PageMessage.message(_T("Update Neighbors failed")); } }); }; function _deleteSceneUserData(id) { if (_user_data.scenes) { var _index = null; $.each(_user_data.scenes, function(index,s) { if (s.id == id) { _index = index; return false; } }) if (_index!=null ) _user_data.scenes.splice(_index, 1); } } function _deleteScene(id) { _deleteSceneUserData(id); var jqxhr = _httpGet( "?id=scene&action=delete&scene="+id, {}, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if ( (data!=null) && (data!="ERROR") ) { PageMessage.message(_T("Deleted Scene {0} successfully").format(id), "success"); } else { PageMessage.message(_T("Could not delete Scene {0}").format(id), "warning"); } }); return jqxhr; }; function _setStartupCode(newlua) { return (newlua != undefined) ? _upnpHelper.ModifyUserData( { "StartupCode":newlua } ) : null; }; function _getCategoryTitle(catnum) { if (catnum==undefined) return ''; var found=undefined; $.each(_user_data.category_filter, function(idx,catline) { if ($.inArray(catnum.toString() , catline.categories) !=-1) { found = catline.Label.text; return false; //break the loop } }); return (found !=undefined) ? found : ''; }; function _updateSceneUserData(scene) { if (_user_data.scenes) { var bFound = false; $.each(_user_data.scenes, function(i,s) { if (s.id == scene.id) { _user_data.scenes[i] = scene; bFound = true; return false; } }) if (bFound==false) { _user_data.scenes.push(scene); } } } function _editScene(sceneid,scene,cbfunc) { show_loading(); _updateSceneUserData( scene ); return _upnpHelper.sceneAction(scene,function(data) { hide_loading(); if ($.isFunction(cbfunc)) (cbfunc)(data); else { if ( (data!=null) && (data!="ERROR") ) { PageMessage.message(_T("Edited Scene {0} successfully").format(sceneid), "success"); } else { PageMessage.message(_T("Could not edit Scene {0}").format(sceneid), "warning"); } } }); }; function _renameSceneUserData(sceneid,name) { if (_user_data.scenes) { var bFound = false; $.each(_user_data.scenes, function(i,s) { if (s.id == sceneid) { _user_data.scenes[i].name=name; bFound = true; return false; } }) } }; function _renameScene(sceneid,newname) { //http://ip_address:3480/data_request?id=scene&action=rename&scene=5&name=Chandalier&room=Garage var jqxhr = _httpGet( "?id=scene&action=rename&name="+newname+"&scene="+sceneid, {}, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if ((data!=null) && (data!="ERROR")) { _renameSceneUserData(sceneid,newname) PageMessage.message(_T("Renamed Scene")+" "+sceneid, "success", _isUI5()); // need user_data reload on UI5 } else PageMessage.message(_T("Could not rename Scene")+" "+sceneid, "warning"); }); return jqxhr; }; function _getDeviceStaticUI(device) { var staticroot=null; if (device!=null) { var devicetype = device.device_type; $.each(_user_data.static_data, function(idx,value) { if ((value.device_type==devicetype) || (value.DeviceType==devicetype)) { staticroot=value; return false; } }); } return staticroot; }; function _getDeviceBatteryLevel(device) { var batteryLevel=_getStatus( device.id, "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1", "BatteryLevel" ); return batteryLevel; // Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1); }; function _clearData(name, npage, cbfunc) { if (_uniqID!=0) // only supported on master controller return; AltuiDebug.debug("_clearData( {0}, page:{1} )".format(name,npage)); var result = ""; var url = "data_request?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=clear_data";//&pages="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(pages)); var jqxhr = $.ajax( { url: url, type: "GET", //dataType: "text", data: { name: name, npage: npage } }) .done(function(data) { if ( $.isFunction( cbfunc ) ) { cbfunc(data); } }) .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) { if ( $.isFunction( cbfunc ) ) { cbfunc(""); } }) .always(function() { }); }; function _saveDataChunk(name, npage, data, cbfunc) { if (_uniqID!=0) // only supported on master controller return; AltuiDebug.debug("_saveDataChunk( {0}, page:{1}, data:{2} chars )".format(name,npage,data.length)); var result = ""; var url = "data_request?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=save_data";//&pages="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(pages)); var jqxhr = $.ajax( { url: url, type: "GET", //dataType: "text", data: { name: name, npage: npage, data: encodeURIComponent(data) } }) .done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { AltuiDebug.debug("_saveDataChunk( {0}, page:{1}, data:{2} chars ) => Res:{3}".format(name,npage,data.length,JSON.stringify(data))); if ( $.isFunction( cbfunc ) ) { cbfunc(data); } }) .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) { if ( $.isFunction( cbfunc ) ) { cbfunc(""); } }) .always(function() { }); }; function _saveData( name, data , cbfunc) { if (_uniqID!=0) { // only supported on master controller AltuiDebug.debug("_saveData must only be called on master controller #0"); return; } AltuiDebug.debug("_saveData( {0}, {1} chars )".format(name,data.length)); // we need a workaround to pass data via a POST but for now, all we have is a Get // we know that 5400 char is ok, above it fails var result="ok"; var maxchar = 2400; var todo = data.length; var done = 0; var npage = 0; function _doPart() { var len = Math.min( maxchar , data.length - done ) ; if (len>0) { var part = data.substring( done, done+len); _saveDataChunk(name, npage, part, function(data) { if (data=="") cbfunc(""); // error else { done += len; npage++; _doPart(); } }); } else { // no more data to send but we need to clean up Vera to remove extra variable _clearData(name, npage, function(data) { // now it is finished cbfunc("ok"); }); } }; // start and result is asynchronous _doPart(); }; // load actions from S files function _loadDeviceActions(dt,cbfunc) { function __findAction(actions,name) { var bfound = null; $.each(actions,function(i,o) { if (o.name==name) { bfound = o; return false; } }); return bfound; } if (dt.Services) { var todo = dt.Services.length; $.each(dt.Services, function (idx,service) { // warning, async call, so result comes later. we need to wait until completion var that = service.Actions; // if (that.length==0) // if actions are not already loaded // { FileDB.getFileContent(_uniqID,service.SFilename , function( xmlstr ) { var xml = $( $.parseXML( xmlstr ) ); $.each(xml.find("action"), function( idx,action) { var name = $(action).find("name").first().text(); // action name is the first one if (__findAction(that,name)==null) { var input=[]; var output=[]; $.each( $(action).find("argument"), function( idx,argument) { var direction = $(argument).find("direction").text(); var name = $(argument).find("name").text(); if (direction == "in") input.push( name ); else output.push( name ); }); that.push( { name : name, input : input, output : output } ); } }); todo--; if (todo==0) cbfunc(dt.Services); }); // } // else // actions were already loaded // { // cbfunc(dt.Services); // } }); return; } AltuiDebug.debug("_loadDeviceActions() : no services"); return; }; function _getSceneHistory( id, cbfunc) { // var cmd = "cat /var/log/cmh/LuaUPnP.log | grep \"Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: {0}.*;1m{1}\"".format(device.id,state.variable); var cmd = "cat /var/log/cmh/LuaUPnP.log | grep '"+'\t'+"Scene::RunScene running {0} '".format(id); return _osCommand(cmd,function(str) { var result = { lines:[], result:str }; var re = /\d*\t(\d*\/\d*\/\d*\s\d*:\d*:\d*.\d*).*Scene::RunScene running \d+ (.*) <.*/g; var m; while ((m = re.exec(str.result)) !== null) { if (m.index === re.lastIndex) { re.lastIndex++; } // View your result using the m-variable. // eg m[0] etc. result.lines.push({date:m[1], name:m[2]}); } if ($.isFunction(cbfunc)) (cbfunc)(result); }); }; function _getDeviceVariableHistory( device, varid, cbfunc) { var id = device.id; var state = MultiBox.getStateByID(device.altuiid,varid); // var cmd = "cat /var/log/cmh/LuaUPnP.log | grep \"Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: {0}.*;1m{1}\"".format(device.id,state.variable); // var cmd = "cat /var/log/cmh/LuaUPnP.log | grep $'Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: {0}.*\033\[35;1m{1}\033\[0m'".format(device.id,state.variable); // var cmd = "cat /var/log/cmh/LuaUPnP.log | grep $'\033\[35;1m{1}\033\[0m'".format(device.id,state.variable); var cmd = "cat /var/log/cmh/LuaUPnP.log | grep 'Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: {0}.*;1m{1}\x1B'".format(device.id,state.variable); return _osCommand(cmd,function(str) { var result = { lines:[], result:str }; var re = /\d*\t(\d*\/\d*\/\d*\s\d*:\d*:\d*.\d*).*was: (.*) now: (.*) #.*/g; var m; while ((m = re.exec(str.result)) !== null) { if (m.index === re.lastIndex) { re.lastIndex++; } // View your result using the m-variable. // eg m[0] etc. result.lines.push({ date:m[1], oldv:m[2], newv:m[3] }); } if ($.isFunction(cbfunc)) (cbfunc)(result); }) }; function _getDeviceActions(device,cbfunc) { if (device && device.id!=0) { var controller = MultiBox.controllerOf(device.altuiid).controller; var _devicetypesDB = MultiBox.getDeviceTypesDB(controller); var dt = _devicetypesDB[device.device_type]; _loadDeviceActions(dt,cbfunc); } else { AltuiDebug.debug("_getDeviceActions(null) : null device"); cbfunc([]); } }; function _xxxWatch( cmd, service, variable, deviceid, sceneid, expression, xml, provider, channelid, readkey, data, graphicurl ) { var url = "?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command={11}&service={0}&variable={1}&device={2}&scene={3}&expression={4}&xml={5}&provider={6}&channelid={7}&readkey={8}&data={9}&graphicurl={10}".format( service, variable, deviceid, sceneid, encodeURIComponent(expression), encodeURIComponent(xml), provider, channelid, readkey, encodeURIComponent(data), encodeURIComponent(graphicurl), cmd ); var jqxhr = _httpGet( url, {}, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if ((data!=null) && (data!="ERROR")) { PageMessage.message(_T("Success"), "success"); // need user_data reload on UI5 } else PageMessage.message(_T("Failure"), "warning"); }); return jqxhr; }; function _delWatch( service, variable, deviceid, sceneid, expression, xml, provider, channelid, readkey, data, graphicurl ) { return _xxxWatch( 'delWatch', service, variable, deviceid, sceneid, expression, xml, provider, channelid, readkey, data, graphicurl ); }; function _addWatch( service, variable, deviceid, sceneid, expression, xml, provider, channelid, readkey, data, graphicurl ) { // return _xxxWatch( 'addWatch', service, variable, deviceid, sceneid, expression, xml, provider, channelid, readkey, data, graphicurl ); }; function _getDeviceDependants(device) { var usedin_objects =[]; var scenes = this.getScenesSync(); $.each(scenes,function( idx,scene) { if (scene.triggers) $.each(scene.triggers, function(idx,trigger) { if (trigger.device == device.id) { usedin_objects.push({type:'trigger', scene:scene.altuiid, name:scene.name, trigger:trigger}); } }); if (scene.groups) $.each(scene.groups, function(idx,group) { $.each(group.actions, function(idx,action) { if (action.device==device.id) { usedin_objects.push({type:'action', scene:scene.altuiid, name:scene.name, action:action}); } }); }); }); return usedin_objects; }; function _getDeviceEvents(device) { if (device && device.id!=0) { var ui_static_data = MultiBox.getDeviceStaticData(device); if ((ui_static_data == undefined) || (ui_static_data.eventList2==undefined)) return []; return ui_static_data.eventList2; } return []; }; function _isDeviceZwave(device) { if (device && device.id_parent) { var parent = _getDeviceByID( device.id_parent ); if (parent) { if (parent.device_type == "urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:ZWaveNetwork:1") return true; } } return false; }; function _resetPollCounters( cbfunc ) { return this.getDevices( function(luaid,device) { var id = device.id; var service="urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveDevice1" var PollNoReply = parseInt(_getStatus(id,service,"PollNoReply")); var PollOk = parseInt(_getStatus(id,service,"PollOk")); if (! isNaN(PollNoReply) ) { _setStatus( id, service, "PollNoReply", 0 ); } if (! isNaN(PollOk) ) { _setStatus( id, service, "PollOk", 0 ); } }, function(device) { return (device.id_parent==1); }, function(devices) { if ($.isFunction(cbfunc)) (cbfunc)(); } ); }; function _getUPnPHelper() { return _upnpHelper; }; function _getUrlHead() { return _upnpHelper.getUrlHead(); }; function _getIpAddr() { return _upnpHelper.getIpAddr(); }; // explicitly return public methods when this object is instantiated return { //--------------------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC functions //--------------------------------------------------------- getUPnPHelper : _getUPnPHelper, getIpAddr : _getIpAddr, getUrlHead : _getUrlHead, triggerAltUIUpgrade : _triggerAltUIUpgrade, // (suffix,newrev) : newrev number in TRAC getIconPath : _getIconPath, // ( src ) getIcon : _getIcon, // workaround to get image from vera box getWeatherSettings : _getWeatherSettings, isUI5 : _isUI5, getBoxInfo : _getBoxInfo, //() getBoxFullInfo : _getBoxFullInfo, //() getLuaStartup : _getLuaStartup, getRooms : _getRooms, // in the future getRooms could cache the information and only call _getRooms when needed getRoomsSync : function() { return _rooms; }, getRoomByID : _getRoomByID, // roomid getDevices : _getDevices, getDevicesSync : function() { return _devices; }, getDeviceByType : _getDeviceByType, getDeviceByAltID : _getDeviceByAltID, getDeviceByID : _getDeviceByID, getDeviceBatteryLevel : _getDeviceBatteryLevel, getDeviceStaticUI : _getDeviceStaticUI, getDeviceVariableHistory : _getDeviceVariableHistory, getDeviceActions: _getDeviceActions, getDeviceEvents : _getDeviceEvents, getDeviceDependants : _getDeviceDependants, addWatch : _addWatch, // ( lul_device, service, variable, deviceid, sceneid, expression, xml, provider, channelid, readkey, data, graphicurl ) delWatch : _delWatch, // ( lul_device, service, variable, deviceid, sceneid, expression, xml, provider, channelid, readkey, data, graphicurl ) isDeviceZwave : _isDeviceZwave, //(device) getScenes : _getScenes, getSceneHistory : _getSceneHistory, getScenesSync : function() { return _scenes; }, getSceneByID : _getSceneByID, getNewSceneID : _getNewSceneID, getPlugins : _getPlugins, getPluginByID : _getPluginByID, getUsers : _getUsers, getUsersSync : _getUsersSync, getUserByID : _getUserByID, getHouseMode : _getHouseMode, setHouseMode : _setHouseMode, getHouseModeSwitchDelay : _getHouseModeSwitchDelay, setAttr : _setAttr, //function _setAttr(device, attribute, value,cbfunc) { setStatus : _setStatus, getStatus : _getStatus, getJobStatus : _getJobStatus, //(jobid, cbfunc) getStates : _getStates, evaluateConditions : _evaluateConditions, // evaluate a device condition table ( AND between conditions ) createDevice : _createDevice, deleteDevice : _deleteDevice, renameDevice : _renameDevice, // ( device, newname ) updateNeighbors : _updateNeighbors, // id=lu_action&action=UpdateNeighbors&Device=3&DeviceNum=1 createRoom : _createRoom, deleteRoom : _deleteRoom, renameRoom : _renameRoom, // _renameRoom(id,name) runScene : _runScene, editScene : _editScene, //(sceneid,scene); renameScene : _renameScene, //(sceneid,scene); deleteScene : _deleteScene, reloadEngine : _reloadEngine, reboot : _reboot, setStartupCode : _setStartupCode, getCategoryTitle : _getCategoryTitle, getCategories : _getCategories, getDeviceTypes : function() { return _devicetypes; }, // isRemoteAccess : function() { return window.location.origin.indexOf("mios.com")!=-1; /*return true;*/ }, // energy getPower : _getPower, // color setColor : _setColor, // stats resetPollCounters : _resetPollCounters, // oscommand osCommand : _osCommand, //(cmd,cbfunc) runLua : _runLua, // UI5 Compatibility mode: caching user data changes and saving them at user request updateChangeCache : _updateChangeCache, saveChangeCaches : _saveChangeCaches, initializeJsonp : _initializeJsonp, initializeSysinfo : _initializeSysinfo, // save page data into altui plugin device saveData : _saveData, // name, data , cbfunc saveEngine : _saveEngine, clearEngine : _clearEngine, loadEngine : _loadEngine, // optional user_data isUserDataCached : _isUserDataCached, initEngine : function( firstuserdata ) { _loadEngine( firstuserdata ); _initDataEngine(); // init the data collection engine }, }; }); // not invoked, object does not exists