//# sourceURL=J_ALTUI_utils.js // "use strict"; // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the condition that it is for private or home useage and // this whole comment is reproduced in the source code file. // Commercial utilisation is not authorized without the appropriate // written agreement from amg0 / alexis . mermet @ gmail . com // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. function getQueryStringValue (key) { return unescape(window.location.search.replace(new RegExp("^(?:.*[&\\?]" + escape(key).replace(/[\.\+\*]/g, "\\$&") + "(?:\\=([^&]*))?)?.*$", "i"), "$1")); } function isIE11() { var ie11andabove = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident') != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') == -1 // IE11 or above Boolean return ie11andabove; } function Altui_SelectText(element) { var doc = document; var text = doc.getElementById(element); if (doc.body.createTextRange) { // ms var range = doc.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(text); range.select(); } else if (window.getSelection) { var selection = window.getSelection(); var range = doc.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(text); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } }; function Altui_LoadStyle(styleFunctionName) { // var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; // var style = document.createElement('style'); // style.type = 'text/css'; // var css = Altui_ExecuteFunctionByName(styleFunctionName, window); // style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); // head.appendChild(style); var title = document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0]; var style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; var css = Altui_ExecuteFunctionByName(styleFunctionName, window); style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); title.parentNode.insertBefore(style,title); }; function Altui_ExecuteFunctionByName(functionName, context , device, extraparam) { var namespaces = functionName.split("."); var func = namespaces.pop(); for (var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) { context = context[namespaces[i]]; } return context[func].call(context, device, extraparam); }; var Localization = ( function (undefined) { var _unknown_terms = {}; var _terms = {}; var __T = function(t) { var v =_terms[t] if (v) return v; _unknown_terms[t] = t; return t; }; var _initTerms = function(terms) { _terms = $.extend({},terms); _unknown_terms = {}; }; var _dumpTerms = function() { if (AltuiDebug.IsDebug()) { console.log( JSON.stringify(_unknown_terms) ); console.log( JSON.stringify(_terms) ); } var text = "browser query:{3} userlanguage:{0} language:{1}\n Unknown terms:{2}".format( window.navigator.userLanguage || "", window.navigator.language || "", JSON.stringify(_unknown_terms), getQueryStringValue("lang") ); UIManager.pageEditorForm(_T("Localization information"),text,null,_T("Close"),function() { UIManager.pageHome(); }); }; return { _T : __T, init : _initTerms, dump : _dumpTerms } })(); var _T = Localization._T; if (typeof RegExp.escape == 'undefined') { RegExp.escape = function(string) { return string.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&') }; }; if (typeof Array.prototype.in_array != 'function') { Array.prototype.in_array = function ( obj ) { var len = this.length; for ( var x = 0 ; x < len ; x++ ) { if ( this[x] == obj ) return true; } return false; } }; if (typeof Number.prototype.toPaddedString != 'function') { function toPaddedString(number, length, radix) { var string = number.toString(radix || 10), slength = string.length; for (var i=0; i<(length - slength); i++) string = '0' + string; return string; } Number.prototype.toPaddedString = function(length, radix) { var number = this; return toPaddedString(number, length, radix); } }; if (typeof String.prototype.toHHMMSS != 'function') { String.prototype.toHHMMSS = function () { var sec_num = parseInt(this, 10); // don't forget the second param if ( isNaN(sec_num) ) sec_num=0; var hours = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor((sec_num - (hours * 3600)) / 60); var seconds = sec_num - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60); if (hours < 10) {hours = "0"+hours;} if (minutes < 10) {minutes = "0"+minutes;} if (seconds < 10) {seconds = "0"+seconds;} var time = hours+':'+minutes+':'+seconds; return time; } String.prototype.fromHHMMSS = function () { var hms = this; var a = hms.split(':'); // split it at the colons // minutes are worth 60 seconds. Hours are worth 60 minutes. var seconds = (+a[0] || 0) * 60 * 60 + (+a[1] || 0) * 60 + (+a[2] || 0 ); return seconds; } }; if (typeof String.prototype.escapeQuotes != 'function') { // see below for better implementation! String.prototype.escapeQuotes = function (){ var content = this; return content.replace(/'/g, "\\'"); }; String.prototype.escapeDoubleQuotes = function (){ var content = this; return content.replace(/"/g, "\\\""); }; }; if (typeof String.prototype.escapeXml != 'function') { // see below for better implementation! String.prototype.escapeXml = function (){ var XML_CHAR_MAP = { '<': '<', '>': '>', '&': '&', '"': '"', "'": ''' }; var content = this; return content.replace(/[<>&"']/g, function (ch) { return XML_CHAR_MAP[ch]; }); }; }; if (typeof String.prototype.format == 'undefined') { String.prototype.format = function() { var args = new Array(arguments.length); for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { // `i` is always valid index in the arguments object // so we merely retrieve the value args[i] = arguments[i]; } return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); // var content = this; // for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) // { // var replacement = new RegExp('\\{' + i + '\\}', 'g'); // regex requires \ and assignment into string requires \\, // content = content.replace(replacement, arguments[i]); // } // return content; }; }; if (typeof String.prototype.startsWith != 'function') { // see below for better implementation! String.prototype.startsWith = function (str){ return this.indexOf(str) == 0; }; }; if (typeof String.prototype.htmlEncode == 'undefined') { String.prototype.htmlEncode = function() { var value = this; return $('
').text(value).html(); } String.prototype.htmlDecode= function() { var value = this; return $('
').html(value).text(); } }; if (typeof String.prototype.evalJSON != 'function') { // see below for better implementation! String.prototype.evalJSON = function (){ var content = this; return JSON.parse(content); } }; function _format2Digits(d) { return ("0"+d).substr(-2); }; function _toIso(date,sep) { sep = sep || 'T'; var iso = "{0}-{1}-{2}{6}{3}:{4}:{5}".format( date.getFullYear(), _format2Digits(date.getMonth()+1), _format2Digits(date.getDate()), _format2Digits(date.getHours()), _format2Digits(date.getMinutes()), _format2Digits(date.getSeconds()), sep ); return iso; }; function _array2Table(arr,idcolumn,viscols) { var html=""; var idcolumn = idcolumn || 'id'; var viscols = viscols || [idcolumn]; html+="
"; if ( (arr) && ($.isArray(arr) && (arr.length>0)) ) { var bFirst=true; html+=""; $.each(arr, function(idx,obj) { if (bFirst) { html+="" html+="" $.each(obj, function(k,v) { html+="" }); html+="" html+="" html+="" bFirst=false; } html+="" $.each(obj, function(k,v) { html+="" }); html+="" }); html+="" html+="
".format( k, (k==idcolumn) ? "data-identifier='true'" : "", "data-visible='{0}'".format( $.inArray(k,viscols)!=-1 ) ) html+=k; html+="
" html+=v; html+="
"; } html+="
"; return html; }; function isObject(obj) { return (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj)== "[object Object]"); }; function isInteger(data) { return (data === parseInt(data, 10)); }; function isNullOrEmpty(value) { return (value == null || value.length === 0); // undefined == null also }; function hexToRgb(hex) { var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); return result ? { r: parseInt(result[1], 16), g: parseInt(result[2], 16), b: parseInt(result[3], 16) } : null; }; function rgbToHex(r, g, b) { return "#" + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1); } var getCSS = function (prop, fromClass) { var $inspector = $("
").css('display', 'none').addClass(fromClass); $("body").append($inspector); // add to DOM, in order to read the CSS property try { return $inspector.css(prop); } finally { $inspector.remove(); // and remove from DOM } }; var AltuiDebug = ( function (undefined) { var g_debug = false; function _debug(str) { if (g_debug==true) console.log(new Date().toISOString()+": ALTUI "+g_DeviceTypes.info["PluginVersion"]+":"+str); } return { SetDebug: function(bDebug) { g_debug=bDebug; }, IsDebug : function() { return g_debug; }, debug: _debug, } })(); function formatAjaxErrorMessage(jqXHR, exception) { if (jqXHR.status === 0) { return ('Not connected. Please verify your network connection.'); } else if (jqXHR.status == 404) { return ('The requested page not found. [404]'); } else if (jqXHR.status == 500) { return ('Internal Server Error [500].'); } else if (exception === 'parsererror') { return ('Requested JSON parse failed.'); } else if (exception === 'timeout') { return ('Time out error.'); } else if (exception === 'abort') { return ('Ajax request aborted.'); } else { return ('Uncaught Error.\n' + jqXHR.responseText); } }; var MyLocalStorage = ( function (undefined) { function _set(key, item) { if (key==undefined) return null; localStorage.setItem( key, JSON.stringify(item) ); return item; }; function _get(key) { if (key==undefined) return null; var json = localStorage.getItem( key ); return json != undefined ? JSON.parse(json) : null; }; function _clear(key) { if (key==undefined) return null; return localStorage.removeItem(key); }; function _setSettings(key, val) { var settings = _get("ALTUI_Settings"); if (settings==null) { settings = {}; } settings[key] = val; return _set("ALTUI_Settings",settings); }; function _getSettings(key) { var settings = _get("ALTUI_Settings"); return (settings) ? settings[key] : null; }; return { set: _set, get: _get, setSettings: _setSettings, getSettings: _getSettings, clear: _clear, } })( ); var Favorites = ( function (undefined) { var _favorites = $.extend( {'device':{}, 'scene':{} }, MyLocalStorage.getSettings("Favorites") ); MyLocalStorage.setSettings("Favorites",_favorites); function _save() { MyLocalStorage.setSettings("Favorites",_favorites); }; function _set(type, id, bFavorite) { _favorites[type][id]=bFavorite; if (MyLocalStorage.getSettings('UseVeraFavorites')==1) { switch(type) { case "device": var device = MultiBox.getDeviceByAltuiID( id ); MultiBox.setAttr(device, "onDashboard", bFavorite ? 1 : 0 ); break; case "scene": var scene = MultiBox.getSceneByAltuiID( id ); scene.onDashboard = (bFavorite ? 1 : 0); MultiBox.editScene(scene.altuiid,scene); break; } } _save(); }; function _get(type, id) { if (MyLocalStorage.getSettings('UseVeraFavorites')==1) { switch(type) { case "device": var device = MultiBox.getDeviceByAltuiID( id ); _favorites[type][id] = (device.onDashboard==1); break; case "scene": var scene = MultiBox.getSceneByAltuiID( id ); _favorites[type][id] = ( scene.onDashboard==1); } } return _favorites[type][id] || false; }; return { set: _set, get: _get, save: _save } })( ); var EventBus = ( function (undefined) { var _subscriptions = { // altui specific ones // parameters "on_altui_deviceTypeLoaded" : [], // table of { func, object } // global ones "on_ui_deviceStatusChanged" : [], // table of { func, object } "on_ui_initFinished": [], "on_ui_userDataFirstLoaded" : [], "on_ui_userDataLoaded" : [], "on_startup_luStatusLoaded" : [], // ctrl specific ones , 0 is the master then other are going to be added dynamically "on_ui_userDataFirstLoaded_0" : [], "on_ui_userDataLoaded_0" : [], "on_startup_luStatusLoaded_0" : [], }; function _allSet(tbl) { var bResult = true; $.each(tbl, function(k,v) { if (v==false) bResult = false; return bResult; }); return bResult; }; function _registerEventHandler(eventname, object, funcname ) { if (_subscriptions[eventname] == undefined) _subscriptions[eventname] = []; var bFound = false; $.each(_subscriptions[eventname], function (idx,sub) { if ((sub.object==object) && (sub.funcname==funcname)) { bFound = true; return false; } }); if (bFound==false) _subscriptions[eventname].push( {object: object , funcname: funcname} ); }; function _waitForAll(event, eventtbl, object, funcname ) { var _state = {}; function _signal(eventname/*, args */) { var theArgs = arguments; _state[eventname] = true; // if all are true, call the object,funcname if (_allSet(_state)) { theArgs[0] = event; if ($.isFunction(funcname)) { (funcname).apply(object,theArgs); } else { // theArgs.unshift(eventname); var func = object[funcname]; func.apply( object , theArgs ); } } }; $.each(eventtbl , function( idx, event) { _state[event] = false; _registerEventHandler(event, this, _signal ); }) }; function _publishEvent(eventname/*, args */) { // console.log(eventname); if (_subscriptions[eventname]) { // var theArgs = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); // remove first argument var theArgs = arguments; $.each(_subscriptions[eventname], function (idx,sub) { if ($.isFunction(sub.funcname)) { (sub.funcname).apply(sub.object,theArgs); } else { // theArgs.unshift(eventname); var func = sub.object[sub.funcname]; func.apply( sub.object , theArgs ); } }); } else { _subscriptions[eventname] = []; } }; return { registerEventHandler : _registerEventHandler, //(eventname, object, funcname ) waitForAll : _waitForAll, //(events, object, funcname ) publishEvent : _publishEvent, //(eventname, args) getEventSupported : function() { return Object.keys(_subscriptions); }, } })(); // function myFunc(device) { // console.log("Device {0} state changed".format(device.id)); // } //on_ui_initFinished // EventBus.registerEventHandler("on_ui_deviceStatusChanged",window,"myFunc"); var PageManager = (function() { var _pages = null; // var pages = [ // { id:1, name:'test' }, // { id:2, name:'page2' }, // ]; function _fixMyPage(page) { if (page.children) $.each(page.children, function(idx,child) { if (child.properties.deviceid) { if (child.properties.deviceid.indexOf('-') == -1) { child.properties.deviceid = "0-"+child.properties.deviceid; } } if (child.properties.sceneid) { if (child.properties.sceneid.indexOf('-') == -1) { child.properties.sceneid = "0-"+child.properties.sceneid; } } if (child.zindex == undefined ) child.zindex = 0; }); }; function _init(pages) { if (_pages==null) // otherwise, already initialized { AltuiDebug.debug("PageManager.init(), pages="+JSON.stringify(pages)); _pages = []; $.each( pages, function(idx,page) { _fixMyPage(page); // temporary code to fix the page definition _pages.push( $.extend( true, {id:0, name:'', background:''}, page) ); }); } }; function _recoverFromStorage() { _pages = MyLocalStorage.get("Pages"); }; function _clearStorage() { MyLocalStorage.clear("Pages"); }; function _savePages() { AltuiDebug.debug("PageManager.savePages(), pages="+JSON.stringify(_pages)); MyLocalStorage.set("Pages",_pages); var names = $.map( _pages, function(page,idx) { return page.name; } ); MultiBox.saveData( "CustomPages", JSON.stringify(names), function(data) { if (data!="") PageMessage.message("Save Pages success", "success"); else PageMessage.message("Save Pages failure", "danger"); }); $.each(_pages, function(idx,page) { MultiBox.saveData( page.name, JSON.stringify(page), function(data) { if (data!="") PageMessage.message("Save for "+page.name+" succeeded.", "success"); else PageMessage.message( "Save for "+page.name+" did not succeed." , "danger"); }); }); }; function _addPage() { var id = 0; $.each(_pages, function(idx,page) { id = Math.max(id, page.id ); }); id++; _pages.push({ id:id, name:'page'+id, background: 'rgb(232, 231, 231)' }); return _pages; }; function _deletePage(name) { $.each( _pages, function( idx,page) { if ( page.name==name) { _pages.splice(idx,1); return false; } }); return _pages; }; function _getPageFromName( name ) { var result = null; if (name) $.each( _pages, function( idx,page) { if ( page.name==name) { result = page; return false; } }); return result; }; function _updateChildrenInPage( page, widgetid, position , size, zindex ) { if (page.children) $.each(page.children, function(idx,child) { if (child.id == widgetid) { if (position) child.position = jQuery.extend(true, {}, position); if (size) child.size = jQuery.extend(true, {}, size); if (zindex) child.zindex = zindex; } }); }; function _insertChildrenInPage( page, tool, position, zindex ) { var id = 0; if (page !=null) { if (page.children == undefined) page.children = new Array(); $.each(page.children, function(idx,child) { id = Math.max(id, child.id ); }); id++; page.children.push( { id: id, cls: tool.cls, position: jQuery.extend(true, {}, position), properties : jQuery.extend(true, {}, tool.properties), // default values size: jQuery.extend(true, { }, tool.defaultSize), zindex : (zindex || tool.zindex || 0), }); } return id; //0 if error }; function _removeChildrenInPage( page, widgetid ) { var widget = null; $.each(page.children, function(idx,child) { if (child.id==widgetid) { widget = child; page.children.splice(idx,1); return false; // break loop } }); return widget; }; function _getWidgetByID( page, widgetid ) { var widget=null; $.each(page.children, function(idx,child) { if (child.id == widgetid) { widget = child; return false; } }); return widget; }; function _forEachPage( func ) { $.each(_pages, func); }; return { init :_init, recoverFromStorage : _recoverFromStorage, clearStorage : _clearStorage, forEachPage: _forEachPage, getPageFromName: _getPageFromName, savePages: _savePages, addPage: _addPage, deletePage: _deletePage, updateChildrenInPage: _updateChildrenInPage, insertChildrenInPage: _insertChildrenInPage, removeChildrenInPage: _removeChildrenInPage, getWidgetByID: _getWidgetByID }; })(); var IconDB = ( function (window, undefined) { var _dbIcon = null; function _getIconContent( controllerid, name , cbfunc ) { if (_dbIcon == null) { _dbIcon = MyLocalStorage.get("IconDB"); if (_dbIcon==null) _dbIcon={} } // do not load http based sources from the VERA itself if (name.startsWith("http")) return name; // if undefined and not yet started to fetch, then go fetch it if (_dbIcon[name]==undefined) { _dbIcon[name]="pending" MultiBox.getIcon(controllerid, name, function(data) { // store in cache and call callback _dbIcon[name]=data; if ($.isFunction(cbfunc)) cbfunc(data); }); } // if not yet there, or still pending , return nothing - it will arrive later in a callback return ((_dbIcon[name]!=undefined) && (_dbIcon[name]!="pending")) ? _dbIcon[name] : "" ; }; return { getIconContent : _getIconContent, // ( controllerid, name , cbfunc ) isDB : function() { return MyLocalStorage.get("IconDB")!=null; }, saveDB : function() { MyLocalStorage.set("IconDB", _dbIcon); }, resetDB : function() { MyLocalStorage.clear("IconDB"); _dbIcon = {}; } } } )( window ); var FileDB = ( function (window, undefined) { var _dbFile = null; function _getFileContent( controllerid, name, cbfunc ) { AltuiDebug.debug("_getFileContent( {0},{1} )".format(controllerid,name)); if (_dbFile == null) { _dbFile = MyLocalStorage.get("FileDB"); if (_dbFile==null) _dbFile={} } if ($.isFunction(cbfunc)==false) return null; if (_dbFile[name]!=undefined) if (_dbFile[name]=="pending") { AltuiDebug.debug("_getFileContent( {0} ) ==> not yet here, defered in 200ms".format(name)); setTimeout( FileDB.getFileContent, 200, controllerid,name,cbfunc ); } else { AltuiDebug.debug("_getFileContent( {0} ) ==> returning content from cache".format(name)); cbfunc(_dbFile[name]); } else { _dbFile[name]="pending"; // console.log("getting file "+name); AltuiDebug.debug("_getFileContent( {0} ) ==> asking content to Vera".format(name)); MultiBox.getFileContent( controllerid, name, function(data,jqXHR) { AltuiDebug.debug("_getFileContent( {0} ) ==> returning async content from Controller #{1}".format(name,controllerid)); _dbFile[name] = data; cbfunc(data,jqXHR); }); } return 0; }; return { getFileContent : _getFileContent, // ( controllerid, name, cbfunc ) isDB : function() { return MyLocalStorage.get("FileDB")!=null; }, saveDB : function(db) { MyLocalStorage.set("FileDB", _dbFile); }, resetDB : function(db) { MyLocalStorage.clear("FileDB"); _dbFile = {}; } } } )( window ); function _sortByVariableName(a,b) { if (a.variable > b.variable) return 1; if (a.variable < b.variable) return -1; // a doit être égale à b return 0; }; /* ======================================================================== * Bootstrap (plugin): validator.js v0.8.0 * ======================================================================== * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2013 Cina Saffary. * Made by @1000hz in the style of Bootstrap 3 era @fat * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * ======================================================================== */ +function ($) { 'use strict'; // VALIDATOR CLASS DEFINITION // ========================== var Validator = function (element, options) { this.$element = $(element) this.options = options options.errors = $.extend({}, Validator.DEFAULTS.errors, options.errors) for (var custom in options.custom) { if (!options.errors[custom]) throw new Error('Missing default error message for custom validator: ' + custom) } $.extend(Validator.VALIDATORS, options.custom) this.$element.attr('novalidate', true) // disable automatic native validation this.toggleSubmit() this.$element.on('input.bs.validator change.bs.validator focusout.bs.validator', $.proxy(this.validateInput, this)) this.$element.on('submit.bs.validator', $.proxy(this.onSubmit, this)) this.$element.find('[data-match]').each(function () { var $this = $(this) var target = $this.data('match') $(target).on('input.bs.validator', function (e) { $this.val() && $this.trigger('input.bs.validator') }) }) } Validator.DEFAULTS = { delay: 500, html: false, disable: true, custom: {}, errors: { match: 'Does not match', minlength: 'Not long enough' } } Validator.VALIDATORS = { native: function ($el) { var el = $el[0] return el.checkValidity ? el.checkValidity() : true }, match: function ($el) { var target = $el.data('match') return !$el.val() || $el.val() === $(target).val() }, minlength: function ($el) { var minlength = $el.data('minlength') return !$el.val() || $el.val().length >= minlength } } Validator.prototype.validateInput = function (e) { var $el = $(e.target) var prevErrors = $el.data('bs.validator.errors') var errors if ($el.is('[type="radio"]')) $el = this.$element.find('input[name="' + $el.attr('name') + '"]') this.$element.trigger(e = $.Event('validate.bs.validator', {relatedTarget: $el[0]})) if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return var self = this this.runValidators($el).done(function (errors) { $el.data('bs.validator.errors', errors) errors.length ? self.showErrors($el) : self.clearErrors($el) if (!prevErrors || errors.toString() !== prevErrors.toString()) { e = errors.length ? $.Event('invalid.bs.validator', {relatedTarget: $el[0], detail: errors}) : $.Event('valid.bs.validator', {relatedTarget: $el[0], detail: prevErrors}) self.$element.trigger(e) } self.toggleSubmit() self.$element.trigger($.Event('validated.bs.validator', {relatedTarget: $el[0]})) }) } Validator.prototype.runValidators = function ($el) { var errors = [] var deferred = $.Deferred() var options = this.options $el.data('bs.validator.deferred') && $el.data('bs.validator.deferred').reject() $el.data('bs.validator.deferred', deferred) function getErrorMessage(key) { return $el.data(key + '-error') || $el.data('error') || key == 'native' && $el[0].validationMessage || options.errors[key] } $.each(Validator.VALIDATORS, $.proxy(function (key, validator) { if (($el.data(key) || key == 'native') && !validator.call(this, $el)) { var error = getErrorMessage(key) !~errors.indexOf(error) && errors.push(error) } }, this)) if (!errors.length && $el.val() && $el.data('remote')) { this.defer($el, function () { var data = {} data[$el.attr('name')] = $el.val() $.get($el.data('remote'), data) .fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, error) { errors.push(getErrorMessage('remote') || error) }) .always(function () { deferred.resolve(errors)}) }) } else deferred.resolve(errors) return deferred.promise() } Validator.prototype.validate = function () { var delay = this.options.delay this.options.delay = 0 this.$element.find(':input:not([type="hidden"])').trigger('input.bs.validator') this.options.delay = delay return this } Validator.prototype.showErrors = function ($el) { var method = this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text' this.defer($el, function () { var $group = $el.closest('.form-group') var $block = $group.find('.help-block.with-errors') var $feedback = $group.find('.form-control-feedback') var errors = $el.data('bs.validator.errors') if (!errors.length) return errors = $('
    ') .addClass('list-unstyled') .append($.map(errors, function (error) { return $('
  • ')[method](error) })) $block.data('bs.validator.originalContent') === undefined && $block.data('bs.validator.originalContent', $block.html()) $block.empty().append(errors) $group.addClass('has-error') $feedback.length && $feedback.removeClass('glyphicon-ok') && $feedback.addClass('glyphicon-warning-sign') && $group.removeClass('has-success') }) } Validator.prototype.clearErrors = function ($el) { var $group = $el.closest('.form-group') var $block = $group.find('.help-block.with-errors') var $feedback = $group.find('.form-control-feedback') $block.html($block.data('bs.validator.originalContent')) $group.removeClass('has-error') $feedback.length && $feedback.removeClass('glyphicon-warning-sign') && $feedback.addClass('glyphicon-ok') && $group.addClass('has-success') } Validator.prototype.hasErrors = function () { function fieldErrors() { return !!($(this).data('bs.validator.errors') || []).length } return !!this.$element.find(':input:enabled').filter(fieldErrors).length } Validator.prototype.isIncomplete = function () { function fieldIncomplete() { return this.type === 'checkbox' ? !this.checked : this.type === 'radio' ? !$('[name="' + this.name + '"]:checked').length : $.trim(this.value) === '' } return !!this.$element.find(':input[required]:enabled').filter(fieldIncomplete).length } Validator.prototype.onSubmit = function (e) { this.validate() if (this.isIncomplete() || this.hasErrors()) e.preventDefault() } Validator.prototype.toggleSubmit = function () { if(!this.options.disable) return var $btn = this.$element.find('input[type="submit"], button[type="submit"]') $btn.toggleClass('disabled', this.isIncomplete() || this.hasErrors()) .css({'pointer-events': 'all', 'cursor': 'pointer'}) } Validator.prototype.defer = function ($el, callback) { if (!this.options.delay) return callback() window.clearTimeout($el.data('bs.validator.timeout')) $el.data('bs.validator.timeout', window.setTimeout(callback, this.options.delay)) } Validator.prototype.destroy = function () { this.$element .removeAttr('novalidate') .removeData('bs.validator') .off('.bs.validator') this.$element.find(':input') .off('.bs.validator') .removeData(['bs.validator.errors', 'bs.validator.deferred']) .each(function () { var $this = $(this) var timeout = $this.data('bs.validator.timeout') window.clearTimeout(timeout) && $this.removeData('bs.validator.timeout') }) this.$element.find('.help-block.with-errors').each(function () { var $this = $(this) var originalContent = $this.data('bs.validator.originalContent') $this .removeData('bs.validator.originalContent') .html(originalContent) }) this.$element.find('input[type="submit"], button[type="submit"]').removeClass('disabled') this.$element.find('.has-error').removeClass('has-error') return this } // VALIDATOR PLUGIN DEFINITION // =========================== function Plugin(option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this) var options = $.extend({}, Validator.DEFAULTS, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option) var data = $this.data('bs.validator') if (!data && option == 'destroy') return if (!data) $this.data('bs.validator', (data = new Validator(this, options))) if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]() }) } var old = $.fn.validator $.fn.validator = Plugin $.fn.validator.Constructor = Validator // VALIDATOR NO CONFLICT // ===================== $.fn.validator.noConflict = function () { $.fn.validator = old return this } // VALIDATOR DATA-API // ================== $(window).on('load', function () { $('form[data-toggle="validator"]').each(function () { var $form = $(this) Plugin.call($form, $form.data()) }) }) }(jQuery); /* ======================================================================== * http://www.kunalbabre.com/projects/table2CSV.php * ======================================================================== */ jQuery.fn.table2CSV = function(options) { var options = jQuery.extend({ separator: ',', header: [], delivery: 'popup' // popup, value }, options); var csvData = []; var headerArr = []; var el = this; //header var numCols = options.header.length; var tmpRow = []; // construct header avalible array if (numCols > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { tmpRow[tmpRow.length] = formatData(options.header[i]); } } else { $(el).filter(':visible').find('th').each(function() { if ($(this).css('display') != 'none') tmpRow[tmpRow.length] = formatData($(this).html()); }); } row2CSV(tmpRow); // actual data $(el).find('tr').each(function() { var tmpRow = []; $(this).filter(':visible').find('td').each(function() { if ($(this).css('display') != 'none') tmpRow[tmpRow.length] = formatData($(this).html()); }); row2CSV(tmpRow); }); if (options.delivery == 'popup') { var mydata = csvData.join('\n'); return popup(mydata); } else { var mydata = csvData.join('\n'); if ($.isFunction(options.delivery)) { (options.delivery)(mydata); } return mydata; } function row2CSV(tmpRow) { var tmp = tmpRow.join('') // to remove any blank rows // alert(tmp); if (tmpRow.length > 0 && tmp != '') { var mystr = tmpRow.join(options.separator); csvData[csvData.length] = mystr; } } function formatData(input) { // replace " with “ var regexp = new RegExp(/["]/g); var output = input.replace(regexp, "“"); //HTML var regexp = new RegExp(/\<[^\<]+\>/g); var output = output.replace(regexp, ""); if (output == "") return ''; return '"' + output + '"'; } function popup(data) { // $("").appendTo("body"); // $("textarea#altui-divtemp").focus(); // $("textarea#altui-divtemp").text(data) // $("textarea#altui-divtemp").select(); // document.execCommand('copy'); // $("textarea#altui-divtemp").remove(); // alert(_T("Data copied in clipboard")); var generator = window.open('', 'csv', 'height=400,width=600'); generator.document.write('CSV'); generator.document.write(''); generator.document.write(''); generator.document.write(''); generator.document.close(); return true; } }; /** * Bootstrap Multiselect (https://github.com/davidstutz/bootstrap-multiselect) * * Apache License, Version 2.0: * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2015 David Stutz * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * BSD 3-Clause License: * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2015 David Stutz * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of David Stutz nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ var bootstrap_multiselect_css = ".multiselect-container{position:absolute;list-style-type:none;margin:0;padding:0}.multiselect-container .input-group{margin:5px}.multiselect-container>li{padding:0}.multiselect-container>li>a.multiselect-all label{font-weight:700}.multiselect-container>li.multiselect-group label{margin:0;padding:3px 20px 3px 20px;height:100%;font-weight:700}.multiselect-container>li.multiselect-group-clickable label{cursor:pointer}.multiselect-container>li>a{padding:0}.multiselect-container>li>a>label{margin:0;height:100%;cursor:pointer;font-weight:400;padding:3px 10px 3px 25px}.multiselect-container>li>a>label.radio,.multiselect-container>li>a>label.checkbox{margin:0}.multiselect-container>li>a>label>input[type=checkbox]{margin-bottom:5px}.btn-group>.btn-group:nth-child(2)>.multiselect.btn{border-top-left-radius:4px;border-bottom-left-radius:4px}.form-inline .multiselect-container label.checkbox,.form-inline .multiselect-container label.radio{padding:3px 10px 3px 25px}.form-inline .multiselect-container li a label.checkbox input[type=checkbox],.form-inline .multiselect-container li a label.radio input[type=radio]{margin-left:-20px;margin-right:0}"; !function ($) { "use strict";// jshint ;_; if (typeof ko !== 'undefined' && ko.bindingHandlers && !ko.bindingHandlers.multiselect) { ko.bindingHandlers.multiselect = { after: ['options', 'value', 'selectedOptions', 'enable', 'disable'], init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) { var $element = $(element); var config = ko.toJS(valueAccessor()); $element.multiselect(config); if (allBindings.has('options')) { var options = allBindings.get('options'); if (ko.isObservable(options)) { ko.computed({ read: function() { options(); setTimeout(function() { var ms = $element.data('multiselect'); if (ms) ms.updateOriginalOptions();//Not sure how beneficial this is. $element.multiselect('rebuild'); }, 1); }, disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: element }); } } //value and selectedOptions are two-way, so these will be triggered even by our own actions. //It needs some way to tell if they are triggered because of us or because of outside change. //It doesn't loop but it's a waste of processing. if (allBindings.has('value')) { var value = allBindings.get('value'); if (ko.isObservable(value)) { ko.computed({ read: function() { value(); setTimeout(function() { $element.multiselect('refresh'); }, 1); }, disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: element }).extend({ rateLimit: 100, notifyWhenChangesStop: true }); } } //Switched from arrayChange subscription to general subscription using 'refresh'. //Not sure performance is any better using 'select' and 'deselect'. if (allBindings.has('selectedOptions')) { var selectedOptions = allBindings.get('selectedOptions'); if (ko.isObservable(selectedOptions)) { ko.computed({ read: function() { selectedOptions(); setTimeout(function() { $element.multiselect('refresh'); }, 1); }, disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: element }).extend({ rateLimit: 100, notifyWhenChangesStop: true }); } } var setEnabled = function (enable) { setTimeout(function () { if (enable) $element.multiselect('enable'); else $element.multiselect('disable'); }); }; if (allBindings.has('enable')) { var enable = allBindings.get('enable'); if (ko.isObservable(enable)) { ko.computed({ read: function () { setEnabled(enable()); }, disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: element }).extend({ rateLimit: 100, notifyWhenChangesStop: true }); } else { setEnabled(enable); } } if (allBindings.has('disable')) { var disable = allBindings.get('disable'); if (ko.isObservable(disable)) { ko.computed({ read: function () { setEnabled(!disable()); }, disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: element }).extend({ rateLimit: 100, notifyWhenChangesStop: true }); } else { setEnabled(!disable); } } ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(element, function() { $element.multiselect('destroy'); }); }, update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) { var $element = $(element); var config = ko.toJS(valueAccessor()); $element.multiselect('setOptions', config); $element.multiselect('rebuild'); } }; } function forEach(array, callback) { for (var index = 0; index < array.length; ++index) { callback(array[index], index); } } /** * Constructor to create a new multiselect using the given select. * * @param {jQuery} select * @param {Object} options * @returns {Multiselect} */ function Multiselect(select, options) { this.$select = $(select); // Placeholder via data attributes if (this.$select.attr("data-placeholder")) { options.nonSelectedText = this.$select.data("placeholder"); } this.options = this.mergeOptions($.extend({}, options, this.$select.data())); // Initialization. // We have to clone to create a new reference. this.originalOptions = this.$select.clone()[0].options; this.query = ''; this.searchTimeout = null; this.lastToggledInput = null; this.options.multiple = this.$select.attr('multiple') === "multiple"; this.options.onChange = $.proxy(this.options.onChange, this); this.options.onDropdownShow = $.proxy(this.options.onDropdownShow, this); this.options.onDropdownHide = $.proxy(this.options.onDropdownHide, this); this.options.onDropdownShown = $.proxy(this.options.onDropdownShown, this); this.options.onDropdownHidden = $.proxy(this.options.onDropdownHidden, this); this.options.onInitialized = $.proxy(this.options.onInitialized, this); // Build select all if enabled. this.buildContainer(); this.buildButton(); this.buildDropdown(); this.buildSelectAll(); this.buildDropdownOptions(); this.buildFilter(); this.updateButtonText(); this.updateSelectAll(true); if (this.options.disableIfEmpty && $('option', this.$select).length <= 0) { this.disable(); } this.$select.hide().after(this.$container); this.options.onInitialized(this.$select, this.$container); } Multiselect.prototype = { defaults: { /** * Default text function will either print 'None selected' in case no * option is selected or a list of the selected options up to a length * of 3 selected options. * * @param {jQuery} options * @param {jQuery} select * @returns {String} */ buttonText: function(options, select) { if (this.disabledText.length > 0 && (this.disableIfEmpty || select.prop('disabled')) && options.length == 0) { return this.disabledText; } else if (options.length === 0) { return this.nonSelectedText; } else if (this.allSelectedText && options.length === $('option', $(select)).length && $('option', $(select)).length !== 1 && this.multiple) { if (this.selectAllNumber) { return this.allSelectedText + ' (' + options.length + ')'; } else { return this.allSelectedText; } } else if (options.length > this.numberDisplayed) { return options.length + ' ' + this.nSelectedText; } else { var selected = ''; var delimiter = this.delimiterText; options.each(function() { var label = ($(this).attr('label') !== undefined) ? $(this).attr('label') : $(this).text(); selected += label + delimiter; }); return selected.substr(0, selected.length - 2); } }, /** * Updates the title of the button similar to the buttonText function. * * @param {jQuery} options * @param {jQuery} select * @returns {@exp;selected@call;substr} */ buttonTitle: function(options, select) { if (options.length === 0) { return this.nonSelectedText; } else { var selected = ''; var delimiter = this.delimiterText; options.each(function () { var label = ($(this).attr('label') !== undefined) ? $(this).attr('label') : $(this).text(); selected += label + delimiter; }); return selected.substr(0, selected.length - 2); } }, /** * Create a label. * * @param {jQuery} element * @returns {String} */ optionLabel: function(element){ return $(element).attr('label') || $(element).text(); }, /** * Create a class. * * @param {jQuery} element * @returns {String} */ optionClass: function(element) { return $(element).attr('class') || ''; }, /** * Triggered on change of the multiselect. * * Not triggered when selecting/deselecting options manually. * * @param {jQuery} option * @param {Boolean} checked */ onChange : function(option, checked) { }, /** * Triggered when the dropdown is shown. * * @param {jQuery} event */ onDropdownShow: function(event) { }, /** * Triggered when the dropdown is hidden. * * @param {jQuery} event */ onDropdownHide: function(event) { }, /** * Triggered after the dropdown is shown. * * @param {jQuery} event */ onDropdownShown: function(event) { }, /** * Triggered after the dropdown is hidden. * * @param {jQuery} event */ onDropdownHidden: function(event) { }, /** * Triggered on select all. */ onSelectAll: function(checked) { }, /** * Triggered after initializing. * * @param {jQuery} $select * @param {jQuery} $container */ onInitialized: function($select, $container) { }, enableHTML: false, buttonClass: 'btn btn-default', inheritClass: false, buttonWidth: 'auto', buttonContainer: '
    ', dropRight: false, dropUp: false, selectedClass: 'active', // Maximum height of the dropdown menu. // If maximum height is exceeded a scrollbar will be displayed. maxHeight: false, checkboxName: false, includeSelectAllOption: false, includeSelectAllIfMoreThan: 0, selectAllText: ' Select all', selectAllValue: 'multiselect-all', selectAllName: false, selectAllNumber: true, selectAllJustVisible: true, enableFiltering: false, enableCaseInsensitiveFiltering: false, enableFullValueFiltering: false, enableClickableOptGroups: false, enableCollapsibelOptGroups: false, filterPlaceholder: 'Search', // possible options: 'text', 'value', 'both' filterBehavior: 'text', includeFilterClearBtn: true, preventInputChangeEvent: false, nonSelectedText: 'None selected', nSelectedText: 'selected', allSelectedText: 'All selected', numberDisplayed: 3, disableIfEmpty: false, disabledText: '', delimiterText: ', ', templates: { button: '', ul: '', filter: '
  • ', filterClearBtn: '', li: '
  • ', divider: '
  • ', liGroup: '
  • ' } }, constructor: Multiselect, /** * Builds the container of the multiselect. */ buildContainer: function() { this.$container = $(this.options.buttonContainer); this.$container.on('show.bs.dropdown', this.options.onDropdownShow); this.$container.on('hide.bs.dropdown', this.options.onDropdownHide); this.$container.on('shown.bs.dropdown', this.options.onDropdownShown); this.$container.on('hidden.bs.dropdown', this.options.onDropdownHidden); }, /** * Builds the button of the multiselect. */ buildButton: function() { this.$button = $(this.options.templates.button).addClass(this.options.buttonClass); if (this.$select.attr('class') && this.options.inheritClass) { this.$button.addClass(this.$select.attr('class')); } // Adopt active state. if (this.$select.prop('disabled')) { this.disable(); } else { this.enable(); } // Manually add button width if set. if (this.options.buttonWidth && this.options.buttonWidth !== 'auto') { this.$button.css({ 'width' : this.options.buttonWidth, 'overflow' : 'hidden', 'text-overflow' : 'ellipsis' }); this.$container.css({ 'width': this.options.buttonWidth }); } // Keep the tab index from the select. var tabindex = this.$select.attr('tabindex'); if (tabindex) { this.$button.attr('tabindex', tabindex); } this.$container.prepend(this.$button); }, /** * Builds the ul representing the dropdown menu. */ buildDropdown: function() { // Build ul. this.$ul = $(this.options.templates.ul); if (this.options.dropRight) { this.$ul.addClass('pull-right'); } // Set max height of dropdown menu to activate auto scrollbar. if (this.options.maxHeight) { // TODO: Add a class for this option to move the css declarations. this.$ul.css({ 'max-height': this.options.maxHeight + 'px', 'overflow-y': 'auto', 'overflow-x': 'hidden' }); } if (this.options.dropUp) { var height = Math.min(this.options.maxHeight, $('option[data-role!="divider"]', this.$select).length*26 + $('option[data-role="divider"]', this.$select).length*19 + (this.options.includeSelectAllOption ? 26 : 0) + (this.options.enableFiltering || this.options.enableCaseInsensitiveFiltering ? 44 : 0)); var moveCalc = height + 34; this.$ul.css({ 'max-height': height + 'px', 'overflow-y': 'auto', 'overflow-x': 'hidden', 'margin-top': "-" + moveCalc + 'px' }); } this.$container.append(this.$ul); }, /** * Build the dropdown options and binds all nessecary events. * * Uses createDivider and createOptionValue to create the necessary options. */ buildDropdownOptions: function() { this.$select.children().each($.proxy(function(index, element) { var $element = $(element); // Support optgroups and options without a group simultaneously. var tag = $element.prop('tagName') .toLowerCase(); if ($element.prop('value') === this.options.selectAllValue) { return; } if (tag === 'optgroup') { this.createOptgroup(element); } else if (tag === 'option') { if ($element.data('role') === 'divider') { this.createDivider(); } else { this.createOptionValue(element); } } // Other illegal tags will be ignored. }, this)); // Bind the change event on the dropdown elements. $('li input', this.$ul).on('change', $.proxy(function(event) { var $target = $(event.target); var checked = $target.prop('checked') || false; var isSelectAllOption = $target.val() === this.options.selectAllValue; // Apply or unapply the configured selected class. if (this.options.selectedClass) { if (checked) { $target.closest('li') .addClass(this.options.selectedClass); } else { $target.closest('li') .removeClass(this.options.selectedClass); } } // Get the corresponding option. var value = $target.val(); var $option = this.getOptionByValue(value); var $optionsNotThis = $('option', this.$select).not($option); var $checkboxesNotThis = $('input', this.$container).not($target); if (isSelectAllOption) { if (checked) { this.selectAll(this.options.selectAllJustVisible); } else { this.deselectAll(this.options.selectAllJustVisible); } } else { if (checked) { $option.prop('selected', true); if (this.options.multiple) { // Simply select additional option. $option.prop('selected', true); } else { // Unselect all other options and corresponding checkboxes. if (this.options.selectedClass) { $($checkboxesNotThis).closest('li').removeClass(this.options.selectedClass); } $($checkboxesNotThis).prop('checked', false); $optionsNotThis.prop('selected', false); // It's a single selection, so close. this.$button.click(); } if (this.options.selectedClass === "active") { $optionsNotThis.closest("a").css("outline", ""); } } else { // Unselect option. $option.prop('selected', false); } // To prevent select all from firing onChange: #575 this.options.onChange($option, checked); } this.$select.change(); this.updateButtonText(); this.updateSelectAll(); if(this.options.preventInputChangeEvent) { return false; } }, this)); $('li a', this.$ul).on('mousedown', function(e) { if (e.shiftKey) { // Prevent selecting text by Shift+click return false; } }); $('li a', this.$ul).on('touchstart click', $.proxy(function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); var $target = $(event.target); if (event.shiftKey && this.options.multiple) { if($target.is("label")){ // Handles checkbox selection manually (see https://github.com/davidstutz/bootstrap-multiselect/issues/431) event.preventDefault(); $target = $target.find("input"); $target.prop("checked", !$target.prop("checked")); } var checked = $target.prop('checked') || false; if (this.lastToggledInput !== null && this.lastToggledInput !== $target) { // Make sure we actually have a range var from = $target.closest("li").index(); var to = this.lastToggledInput.closest("li").index(); if (from > to) { // Swap the indices var tmp = to; to = from; from = tmp; } // Make sure we grab all elements since slice excludes the last index ++to; // Change the checkboxes and underlying options var range = this.$ul.find("li").slice(from, to).find("input"); range.prop('checked', checked); if (this.options.selectedClass) { range.closest('li') .toggleClass(this.options.selectedClass, checked); } for (var i = 0, j = range.length; i < j; i++) { var $checkbox = $(range[i]); var $option = this.getOptionByValue($checkbox.val()); $option.prop('selected', checked); } } // Trigger the select "change" event $target.trigger("change"); } // Remembers last clicked option if($target.is("input") && !$target.closest("li").is(".multiselect-item")){ this.lastToggledInput = $target; } $target.blur(); }, this)); // Keyboard support. this.$container.off('keydown.multiselect').on('keydown.multiselect', $.proxy(function(event) { if ($('input[type="text"]', this.$container).is(':focus')) { return; } if (event.keyCode === 9 && this.$container.hasClass('open')) { this.$button.click(); } else { var $items = $(this.$container).find("li:not(.divider):not(.disabled) a").filter(":visible"); if (!$items.length) { return; } var index = $items.index($items.filter(':focus')); // Navigation up. if (event.keyCode === 38 && index > 0) { index--; } // Navigate down. else if (event.keyCode === 40 && index < $items.length - 1) { index++; } else if (!~index) { index = 0; } var $current = $items.eq(index); $current.focus(); if (event.keyCode === 32 || event.keyCode === 13) { var $checkbox = $current.find('input'); $checkbox.prop("checked", !$checkbox.prop("checked")); $checkbox.change(); } event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }, this)); if(this.options.enableClickableOptGroups && this.options.multiple) { $('li.multiselect-group', this.$ul).on('click', $.proxy(function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); console.log('test'); var group = $(event.target).parent(); // Search all option in optgroup var $options = group.nextUntil('li.multiselect-group'); var $visibleOptions = $options.filter(":visible:not(.disabled)"); // check or uncheck items var allChecked = true; var optionInputs = $visibleOptions.find('input'); var values = []; optionInputs.each(function() { allChecked = allChecked && $(this).prop('checked'); values.push($(this).val()); }); if (!allChecked) { this.select(values, false); } else { this.deselect(values, false); } this.options.onChange(optionInputs, !allChecked); }, this)); } if (this.options.enableCollapsibleOptGroups && this.options.multiple) { $("li.multiselect-group input", this.$ul).off(); $("li.multiselect-group", this.$ul).siblings().not("li.multiselect-group, li.multiselect-all", this.$ul).each( function () { $(this).toggleClass('hidden', true); }); $("li.multiselect-group", this.$ul).on("click", $.proxy(function(group) { group.stopPropagation(); }, this)); $("li.multiselect-group > a > b", this.$ul).on("click", $.proxy(function(t) { t.stopPropagation(); var n = $(t.target).closest('li'); var r = n.nextUntil("li.multiselect-group"); var i = true; r.each(function() { i = i && $(this).hasClass('hidden'); }); r.toggleClass('hidden', !i); }, this)); $("li.multiselect-group > a > input", this.$ul).on("change", $.proxy(function(t) { t.stopPropagation(); var n = $(t.target).closest('li'); var r = n.nextUntil("li.multiselect-group", ':not(.disabled)'); var s = r.find("input"); var i = true; s.each(function() { i = i && $(this).prop("checked"); }); s.prop("checked", !i).trigger("change"); }, this)); // Set the initial selection state of the groups. $('li.multiselect-group', this.$ul).each(function() { var r = $(this).nextUntil("li.multiselect-group", ':not(.disabled)'); var s = r.find("input"); var i = true; s.each(function() { i = i && $(this).prop("checked"); }); $(this).find('input').prop("checked", i); }); // Update the group checkbox based on new selections among the // corresponding children. $("li input", this.$ul).on("change", $.proxy(function(t) { t.stopPropagation(); var n = $(t.target).closest('li'); var r1 = n.prevUntil("li.multiselect-group", ':not(.disabled)'); var r2 = n.nextUntil("li.multiselect-group", ':not(.disabled)'); var s1 = r1.find("input"); var s2 = r2.find("input"); var i = $(t.target).prop('checked'); s1.each(function() { i = i && $(this).prop("checked"); }); s2.each(function() { i = i && $(this).prop("checked"); }); n.prevAll('.multiselect-group').find('input').prop('checked', i); }, this)); $("li.multiselect-all", this.$ul).css('background', '#f3f3f3').css('border-bottom', '1px solid #eaeaea'); $("li.multiselect-group > a, li.multiselect-all > a > label.checkbox", this.$ul).css('padding', '3px 20px 3px 35px'); $("li.multiselect-group > a > input", this.$ul).css('margin', '4px 0px 5px -20px'); } }, /** * Create an option using the given select option. * * @param {jQuery} element */ createOptionValue: function(element) { var $element = $(element); if ($element.is(':selected')) { $element.prop('selected', true); } // Support the label attribute on options. var label = this.options.optionLabel(element); var classes = this.options.optionClass(element); var value = $element.val(); var inputType = this.options.multiple ? "checkbox" : "radio"; var $li = $(this.options.templates.li); var $label = $('label', $li); $label.addClass(inputType); $li.addClass(classes); if (this.options.enableHTML) { $label.html(" " + label); } else { $label.text(" " + label); } var $checkbox = $('').attr('type', inputType); if (this.options.checkboxName) { $checkbox.attr('name', this.options.checkboxName); } $label.prepend($checkbox); var selected = $element.prop('selected') || false; $checkbox.val(value); if (value === this.options.selectAllValue) { $li.addClass("multiselect-item multiselect-all"); $checkbox.parent().parent() .addClass('multiselect-all'); } $label.attr('title', $element.attr('title')); this.$ul.append($li); if ($element.is(':disabled')) { $checkbox.attr('disabled', 'disabled') .prop('disabled', true) .closest('a') .attr("tabindex", "-1") .closest('li') .addClass('disabled'); } $checkbox.prop('checked', selected); if (selected && this.options.selectedClass) { $checkbox.closest('li') .addClass(this.options.selectedClass); } }, /** * Creates a divider using the given select option. * * @param {jQuery} element */ createDivider: function(element) { var $divider = $(this.options.templates.divider); this.$ul.append($divider); }, /** * Creates an optgroup. * * @param {jQuery} group */ createOptgroup: function(group) { if (this.options.enableCollapsibleOptGroups && this.options.multiple) { var label = $(group).attr("label"); var value = $(group).attr("value"); var r = $('
  • ' + label + '
  • '); if (this.options.enableClickableOptGroups) { r.addClass("multiselect-group-clickable") } this.$ul.append(r); if ($(group).is(":disabled")) { r.addClass("disabled") } $("option", group).each($.proxy(function($, group) { this.createOptionValue(group) }, this)) } else { var groupName = $(group).prop('label'); // Add a header for the group. var $li = $(this.options.templates.liGroup); if (this.options.enableHTML) { $('label', $li).html(groupName); } else { $('label', $li).text(groupName); } if (this.options.enableClickableOptGroups) { $li.addClass('multiselect-group-clickable'); } this.$ul.append($li); if ($(group).is(':disabled')) { $li.addClass('disabled'); } // Add the options of the group. $('option', group).each($.proxy(function(index, element) { this.createOptionValue(element); }, this)); } }, /** * Build the select all. * * Checks if a select all has already been created. */ buildSelectAll: function() { if (typeof this.options.selectAllValue === 'number') { this.options.selectAllValue = this.options.selectAllValue.toString(); } var alreadyHasSelectAll = this.hasSelectAll(); if (!alreadyHasSelectAll && this.options.includeSelectAllOption && this.options.multiple && $('option', this.$select).length > this.options.includeSelectAllIfMoreThan) { // Check whether to add a divider after the select all. if (this.options.includeSelectAllDivider) { this.$ul.prepend($(this.options.templates.divider)); } var $li = $(this.options.templates.li); $('label', $li).addClass("checkbox"); if (this.options.enableHTML) { $('label', $li).html(" " + this.options.selectAllText); } else { $('label', $li).text(" " + this.options.selectAllText); } if (this.options.selectAllName) { $('label', $li).prepend(''); } else { $('label', $li).prepend(''); } var $checkbox = $('input', $li); $checkbox.val(this.options.selectAllValue); $li.addClass("multiselect-item multiselect-all"); $checkbox.parent().parent() .addClass('multiselect-all'); this.$ul.prepend($li); $checkbox.prop('checked', false); } }, /** * Builds the filter. */ buildFilter: function() { // Build filter if filtering OR case insensitive filtering is enabled and the number of options exceeds (or equals) enableFilterLength. if (this.options.enableFiltering || this.options.enableCaseInsensitiveFiltering) { var enableFilterLength = Math.max(this.options.enableFiltering, this.options.enableCaseInsensitiveFiltering); if (this.$select.find('option').length >= enableFilterLength) { this.$filter = $(this.options.templates.filter); $('input', this.$filter).attr('placeholder', this.options.filterPlaceholder); // Adds optional filter clear button if(this.options.includeFilterClearBtn){ var clearBtn = $(this.options.templates.filterClearBtn); clearBtn.on('click', $.proxy(function(event){ clearTimeout(this.searchTimeout); this.$filter.find('.multiselect-search').val(''); $('li', this.$ul).show().removeClass("filter-hidden"); this.updateSelectAll(); }, this)); this.$filter.find('.input-group').append(clearBtn); } this.$ul.prepend(this.$filter); this.$filter.val(this.query).on('click', function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }).on('input keydown', $.proxy(function(event) { // Cancel enter key default behaviour if (event.which === 13) { event.preventDefault(); } // This is useful to catch "keydown" events after the browser has updated the control. clearTimeout(this.searchTimeout); this.searchTimeout = this.asyncFunction($.proxy(function() { if (this.query !== event.target.value) { this.query = event.target.value; var currentGroup, currentGroupVisible; $.each($('li', this.$ul), $.proxy(function(index, element) { var value = $('input', element).length > 0 ? $('input', element).val() : ""; var text = $('label', element).text(); var filterCandidate = ''; if ((this.options.filterBehavior === 'text')) { filterCandidate = text; } else if ((this.options.filterBehavior === 'value')) { filterCandidate = value; } else if (this.options.filterBehavior === 'both') { filterCandidate = text + '\n' + value; } if (value !== this.options.selectAllValue && text) { // By default lets assume that element is not // interesting for this search. var showElement = false; if (this.options.enableCaseInsensitiveFiltering) { filterCandidate = filterCandidate.toLowerCase(); this.query = this.query.toLowerCase(); } if (this.options.enableFullValueFiltering && this.options.filterBehavior !== 'both') { var valueToMatch = filterCandidate.trim().substring(0, this.query.length); if (this.query.indexOf(valueToMatch) > -1) { showElement = true; } } else if (filterCandidate.indexOf(this.query) > -1) { showElement = true; } // Toggle current element (group or group item) according to showElement boolean. $(element).toggle(showElement).toggleClass('filter-hidden', !showElement); // Differentiate groups and group items. if ($(element).hasClass('multiselect-group')) { // Remember group status. currentGroup = element; currentGroupVisible = showElement; } else { // Show group name when at least one of its items is visible. if (showElement) { $(currentGroup).show().removeClass('filter-hidden'); } // Show all group items when group name satisfies filter. if (!showElement && currentGroupVisible) { $(element).show().removeClass('filter-hidden'); } } } }, this)); } this.updateSelectAll(); }, this), 300, this); }, this)); } } }, /** * Unbinds the whole plugin. */ destroy: function() { this.$container.remove(); this.$select.show(); this.$select.data('multiselect', null); }, /** * Refreshs the multiselect based on the selected options of the select. */ refresh: function () { var inputs = $.map($('li input', this.$ul), $); $('option', this.$select).each($.proxy(function (index, element) { var $elem = $(element); var value = $elem.val(); var $input; for (var i = inputs.length; 0 < i--; /**/) { if (value !== ($input = inputs[i]).val()) continue; // wrong li if ($elem.is(':selected')) { $input.prop('checked', true); if (this.options.selectedClass) { $input.closest('li') .addClass(this.options.selectedClass); } } else { $input.prop('checked', false); if (this.options.selectedClass) { $input.closest('li') .removeClass(this.options.selectedClass); } } if ($elem.is(":disabled")) { $input.attr('disabled', 'disabled') .prop('disabled', true) .closest('li') .addClass('disabled'); } else { $input.prop('disabled', false) .closest('li') .removeClass('disabled'); } break; // assumes unique values } }, this)); this.updateButtonText(); this.updateSelectAll(); }, /** * Select all options of the given values. * * If triggerOnChange is set to true, the on change event is triggered if * and only if one value is passed. * * @param {Array} selectValues * @param {Boolean} triggerOnChange */ select: function(selectValues, triggerOnChange) { if(!$.isArray(selectValues)) { selectValues = [selectValues]; } for (var i = 0; i < selectValues.length; i++) { var value = selectValues[i]; if (value === null || value === undefined) { continue; } var $option = this.getOptionByValue(value); var $checkbox = this.getInputByValue(value); if($option === undefined || $checkbox === undefined) { continue; } if (!this.options.multiple) { this.deselectAll(false); } if (this.options.selectedClass) { $checkbox.closest('li') .addClass(this.options.selectedClass); } $checkbox.prop('checked', true); $option.prop('selected', true); if (triggerOnChange) { this.options.onChange($option, true); } } this.updateButtonText(); this.updateSelectAll(); }, /** * Clears all selected items. */ clearSelection: function () { this.deselectAll(false); this.updateButtonText(); this.updateSelectAll(); }, /** * Deselects all options of the given values. * * If triggerOnChange is set to true, the on change event is triggered, if * and only if one value is passed. * * @param {Array} deselectValues * @param {Boolean} triggerOnChange */ deselect: function(deselectValues, triggerOnChange) { if(!$.isArray(deselectValues)) { deselectValues = [deselectValues]; } for (var i = 0; i < deselectValues.length; i++) { var value = deselectValues[i]; if (value === null || value === undefined) { continue; } var $option = this.getOptionByValue(value); var $checkbox = this.getInputByValue(value); if($option === undefined || $checkbox === undefined) { continue; } if (this.options.selectedClass) { $checkbox.closest('li') .removeClass(this.options.selectedClass); } $checkbox.prop('checked', false); $option.prop('selected', false); if (triggerOnChange) { this.options.onChange($option, false); } } this.updateButtonText(); this.updateSelectAll(); }, /** * Selects all enabled & visible options. * * If justVisible is true or not specified, only visible options are selected. * * @param {Boolean} justVisible * @param {Boolean} triggerOnSelectAll */ selectAll: function (justVisible, triggerOnSelectAll) { justVisible = (this.options.enableCollapsibleOptGroups && this.options.multiple) ? false : justVisible; var justVisible = typeof justVisible === 'undefined' ? true : justVisible; var allCheckboxes = $("li input[type='checkbox']:enabled", this.$ul); var visibleCheckboxes = allCheckboxes.filter(":visible"); var allCheckboxesCount = allCheckboxes.length; var visibleCheckboxesCount = visibleCheckboxes.length; if(justVisible) { visibleCheckboxes.prop('checked', true); $("li:not(.divider):not(.disabled)", this.$ul).filter(":visible").addClass(this.options.selectedClass); } else { allCheckboxes.prop('checked', true); $("li:not(.divider):not(.disabled)", this.$ul).addClass(this.options.selectedClass); } if (allCheckboxesCount === visibleCheckboxesCount || justVisible === false) { $("option:not([data-role='divider']):enabled", this.$select).prop('selected', true); } else { var values = visibleCheckboxes.map(function() { return $(this).val(); }).get(); $("option:enabled", this.$select).filter(function(index) { return $.inArray($(this).val(), values) !== -1; }).prop('selected', true); } if (triggerOnSelectAll) { this.options.onSelectAll(); } }, /** * Deselects all options. * * If justVisible is true or not specified, only visible options are deselected. * * @param {Boolean} justVisible */ deselectAll: function (justVisible) { justVisible = (this.options.enableCollapsibleOptGroups && this.options.multiple) ? false : justVisible; justVisible = typeof justVisible === 'undefined' ? true : justVisible; if(justVisible) { var visibleCheckboxes = $("li input[type='checkbox']:not(:disabled)", this.$ul).filter(":visible"); visibleCheckboxes.prop('checked', false); var values = visibleCheckboxes.map(function() { return $(this).val(); }).get(); $("option:enabled", this.$select).filter(function(index) { return $.inArray($(this).val(), values) !== -1; }).prop('selected', false); if (this.options.selectedClass) { $("li:not(.divider):not(.disabled)", this.$ul).filter(":visible").removeClass(this.options.selectedClass); } } else { $("li input[type='checkbox']:enabled", this.$ul).prop('checked', false); $("option:enabled", this.$select).prop('selected', false); if (this.options.selectedClass) { $("li:not(.divider):not(.disabled)", this.$ul).removeClass(this.options.selectedClass); } } }, /** * Rebuild the plugin. * * Rebuilds the dropdown, the filter and the select all option. */ rebuild: function() { this.$ul.html(''); // Important to distinguish between radios and checkboxes. this.options.multiple = this.$select.attr('multiple') === "multiple"; this.buildSelectAll(); this.buildDropdownOptions(); this.buildFilter(); this.updateButtonText(); this.updateSelectAll(true); if (this.options.disableIfEmpty && $('option', this.$select).length <= 0) { this.disable(); } else { this.enable(); } if (this.options.dropRight) { this.$ul.addClass('pull-right'); } }, /** * The provided data will be used to build the dropdown. */ dataprovider: function(dataprovider) { var groupCounter = 0; var $select = this.$select.empty(); $.each(dataprovider, function (index, option) { var $tag; if ($.isArray(option.children)) { // create optiongroup tag groupCounter++; $tag = $('').attr({ label: option.label || 'Group ' + groupCounter, disabled: !!option.disabled }); forEach(option.children, function(subOption) { // add children option tags $tag.append($('